.اَللهُ لَآ إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ
.اَللهُ لَآ إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ
Ilm ul Asmaa
The Ilm of Names which Allah bestowed is the reason that made Adam (A.S) superior to Malaika (angels)
Let’s Learn more about our Loving and Nurturing Creator’s Names, with all our respect and love.
المقصد الأسنى في شرح معاني أسماء الله الحسنى
أبو حامد الغزالي
Explanation to the Beautiful and Perfect Names of ALLAH, Extracted from Taysir al Karim al Rahman
النور الأسنى في شرح أسماء الله الحُسْنَى
الشيخ أمين بن الحسن الأنصاري
فِقْهُ أسماء الحُسْنَى
عبدالرَّزاق بن عبدالمحسن البدر
Al Qayyum - The Sustainer of Existence
Al Qayyum is the One who is absolutely self-sufficient and He is the only One self-existing. He is responsible for holding strong, everything existing in the skies and the earth and whoever is present within them.
So, ALLAH is essential for our lives to keep them sustained.
This name makes us understand well that the support that keeps us standing and the strength to make us stand again after a fall, is only from Our Rab-Al Qayyum. He is the One who has the right to be worshipped & look forward to.
Al Hayyi - The (Ever) Living
Al Hayyi is the One Who has eternal life. Nothing is before His life and there is no after as there is no end of His life. He is the "always Living" and the One who gives life & keeps others living for the time He wills.
Al Hayyi is the One whom we can rely upon. As there is an end to everything and everyone except Him.
Life is all about liveliness and vitality and these modalities are always related to our active and growing-up relationship with our Rab.
Al Mumit - The Death-Giving Authority
Al Mumit is the One who can decide and designate death. He is the only authorized One to give death to anyone living. It applies to humans as well as all creatures bigger or smaller than humans. No one can taste death without His order. No one can skip death as everliving is only ALLAH - Al Mumit who gives death to all.
This majestic name of ALLAH comes to help us and reassure us when we find our hearts fearful of the powers in the world other than ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala. There is no end to this life except what and when is written by ALLAH - Al Mumit.
Knowing that our death and our final homes are all in the hands of ALLAH, we cannot make them any better except by requesting Him and trying to make our best efforts. And for any effort to be accepted, we need to be true Muslims ie. our focus and target in everything should be ALLAH’s approval only.
Al Muhyi - The Life-Giving Authority
Al Muhyi is the One who has given the life. He is the only One who can give life. He is the giver of life for the first time and again revives life as well, in the same way, He has created it for the first time.
Al Muhyi is the characteristic of ALLAH that is exclusive to Him. None is the creator of life but ALLAH—may He be praised and exalted, and so there is no life-giver but only ALLAH Al Muhyi—the great and glorious.
By the simple rule, life belongs to Him who blessed us with this beautiful life. Everyone who knows the real value and position of ALLAH Al Muhyi will naturally keep His commands and His words as the highest priority and hence get the benefit of this choice in this world and the afterlife.
Al Mu'id- The (Repeated) Creator
Al Mu'id is the One who is capable of repeating what He has created the first time, He is who “recreates” and “restores”.
This repetition of creation is so effortless for Him that it is ongoing every moment in the world.
Another aspect of Al Mu'id is when He will restore the life on the day of Qiyamah after our death. From the particles of dust and bones, He will recreate our bodies.
The Human share in this majestic name of ALLAH is to rely on Him for our revival and understand that He is capable of bringing out life.
We get hurt by the struggles of life and by the unjust attitudes of fellow humans. Then He returns our strengths with time. This revival of strength and emotions is also under the name of Al Mu'id.
Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator
Al Mubdee is the One who is the originator of everything that is created. He started this from scratch and perfected this process of beginning, all alone, without any previous similar existence.
Al Mubdee is the name telling us the fantastic creative work of ALLAH, our Loving Rab, and that is also about creating the original and the perfect.
The human part in this name is how ALLAH invites us to various ayaat to see and think about His creations. How perfectly and beautifully He completed them in the best possible way.
It is also about looking now for a fresh start for our soul. The soul that loves ALLAH more than any time before. That can rely upon ALLAH on bright, grey, and dark all types of days in life.
Al Muhsee - The (Detailed) Counting Authority
Al Muhsee is the One who counts accurately, with all the precision and details. It is about the counting and recording of all the actions of His creatures. Not only is He counting accurate but it is detailed as well. This is to recount their actions on the day of the opening of accounts.
The verbal form of this name used in the Quran is أحْصَي which simply means to count, to keep a record accurately, to count and keep something safely so that it can be recounted later on. Muhsee is the doer noun form (اسم الفاعل) of this verb.
The human share in this name is believing that ALLAH is counting very efficiently every good and bad thing we do.
This gives us a sense of relief and a sense of caution at the same time, this makes us encourage to do good with our conscious and motivated efforts to please ALLAH.
Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy
Al Hameed is the One most praised & the most rightly praised. The name of Al Hameed combines in it His majesty, exaltation, and perfection. He is surely praised for who He is and how He cares and the list of reasons is longer than as many of the creations He made.
The most praiseworthy among all humans on earth is our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
We can gain praise in the eyes of ALLAH when we meet Him one day, by following His Book and the noble ways of His Messengerﷺ.
Al Wali - The Loving Protector
Al Wali is the friend and companion who loves and protects.
We trust our friends when we are in need they will be there to listen, to be honest in guiding us, and to help us in their best possible capacity.
ALLAH Al Wali is our best friend and protector, sometimes we even don’t understand His decisions. But the trust says He will always do the best and with time He may show us the logic.
The human share in this beautiful name is to love ALLAH and so, completely trust Him for His help, guidance, and protection.
Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm
Al Mateen is the One who is intense in His powers and firmness. He is the only One origin of all the strength and power in this world. He is deeply & firmly rooted within the hearts. There is no refuge in this world except His.
The human part of Al Mateen is simply about attaching ourselves to His original and limitless power instead of the limited powers of this world.
A true servant of Al Mateen is firm and helps all people around him to be better on the righteous path. Ummah is a strong wall and every one person is an important brick to it, to strengthen and support at all times.
Al Qawi - The All Strong
Al Qawi is the One “all Strong”. He has the perfection of strength which cannot be possible other than Him. Everyone other than Him has weak spots either physically or mentally. He is strong over all things in existence and cannot be forced by any other strength anyway. He does not require any help. He is not getting any provisions from anyone but He is providing everything to everyone. There is no strength in this world in front of His perfect strength.
Al Wakeel - The Trusted Authority
Al-Wakeel is the One who has all matters entrusted to Him. He is a trusted authority for all affairs of life. There are human authorities who are mostly specialized in one branch and one aspect but ALLAH does not have any such limitations. He is trusted and dependable in every aspect without any shortcomings.
This name has an element of defense. He is our defending & loving guardian who gives us chances to correct ourselves throughout life.
The human share in Al Wakeel is obvious. We need to trust and depend on our Rab for all our matters. Not only for ourselves but for our loved ones too for whom we think and worry a lot, we should keep our tawakkal only on ALLAH.
Al Haqq - The (Absolute) Truth
Al Haqq is the One who is the absolute and ultimate truth of this whole world. This name is a combination of truth and justice.
Truth is existence, His existence is independent of all others and is from always to forever without gaps or lapses. He will always be present everywhere.
Justice is His quality of doing what is exactly right and suitable for us, His justice fits in perfectly, never be loose or ill-fitted.
Humans sharing the name of Al Haqq will have the courage to always stand with the truth knowing that Al Haqq will bring out the truth from each matter. They try their best to be true to all their relations and give the right (haqq) to everyone for the sake of ALLAH. This belief in Al Haqq makes us true servants belonging to Him.
As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness
As Shaheed is “The Universal Witness” who sees the actions that are open and also those that are hidden.
He is our Rab who is عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ
He is the One present in our life every moment and is enough to see and witness all actions.
ALLAH - the Great and Glorious will bear witness to mankind on the day of qiyamah from what He knows and has seen.
Al Ba'ith - The Raiser of the Dead
Al Ba'ith is the One who revives (gives life to the one who is dead) and appoints His messengers to revive His knowledge in human hearts.
ALLAH - Al Ba'ith is the only One to give life to the dead. Either It is bringing the dead body to life or the soul to the light. The Origin of light of life only comes from Al Ba'ith.
Human share in this name is beautiful. From the Quran, we know that ignorance is equal to death and knowledge is the noble life. Whoever lifts another human above the darkness of ignorance and brings him to the path of knowledge has contributed a new life and, we can say, revived him.
Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable
Al Majeed is the One “All the honor belongs to Him” only.
Al Majeed is the One extremely and highly honorable, Whose honor is the origin point of all the honor in this world.
His presence is the the most noble and glorified presence. His bounties are never-ending and His majestic beauty can be seen in every beautiful creature of this world.
The human part of this majestic name is in glorifying ALLAH by our tongues and by our actions. When we prioritize His pleasure in every work, then we become an evident sign of His majestic glory, as all His creatures are the signs and are glorifying Him at every moment.
Al Wadood - The Most Loving
Al Wadood is our loving Rab Who is kindly loving to care for all our matters before even asking. Al Wadood is outstanding due to His kind expression of love.
Derived from the root of ودد it is a superlative doer form, coming from the word of Al Wudd الودّ which simply means affection with active expression by actions.
The Quran gives us a good insight into He loves the people of ihsaan who give better than what is required from them. He loves the people of tawakkal who look towards Him in all best and worst circumstances and remain attached to Him.
A peaceful heart in this world is not possible without understanding and loving ALLAH back. Once we understand His loving kindness towards ourselves, we can get that everything is from ALLAH, and life will get much easier.
Al Hakeem - The All Wise
Al Hakeem is the One Who has perfect wisdom. Perfection is defined here as combined with a perfect vision, knowledge, and authority. This combination is only true for ALLAH and is impossible in any other case.
ALLAH Al Hakeem saves and protects us often by His wisely organized system. He sent us His Hakeem Book to save us from losing our way in life.
Hikmah of humans is getting to know more and more about his Rab- Al Hakeem. The beginning of wisdom is fear of ALLAH. The consciousness of ALLAH begins with knowledge of what He likes and what He dislikes. This can be learned by heartily understanding the Hakeem Book of ALLAH and implementing it honestly.
Al Wasay'- The Vastly Expansive
ALLAH Al Wasay’ is the One Who carries widespread rahmah, knowledge, wisdom, a widespread kingdom, and a limitless power to perform whatever He wills.
He has Widespread possibilities and kindness to forgive us when we ask Him. He gives us limitless chances and space to be better. His presence and kingdom are widespread without any limits
Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive
Al Mujeeb is the One All Responsive and who has all authority to fulfil requests in response.
The only One suitable for this name is our loving and caring Rab Al Mujeeb who listens, responds, and accepts our prayers. He responds and creates all means to nourish us, protect us, and comfort us in every difficult situation lifelong.
Learning point from Ayat
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