Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable - cover

Al Majeed is the One extremely and highly honorable, Whose honor is the origin point of all the honor in this world. It is derived from the root word of م ج د. It has a simple meaning of plenty and an extreme honor.

He is noble and high above everyone, He is Majestic on a level the human brain cannot reach. His presence is the the most noble and glorified presence. His bounties are never-ending and His majestic beauty can be seen in every beautiful creature of this world.

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable - explanation of name

ALLAH Al Majeed used this name in the Quran with "Al Hameed", He is the One Who is praised in all beautiful words and He is the owner of noble glory. He is the origin of all the light and all the beauty in this world.

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable - ayaah innaho Hameed un Majeed

Al Majeed carries a diverse meaning combined in it.

It contains a part of Al Azeem ( the Grand ) who has the perfect grand presence everywhere.

It has a part of Al Wasay (The Expansive) and Al Qaadir ( The One in control) whose powerful presence is extended perfectly everywhere without any hidden parts to His vision.

It has a part of Al Ghani (the self-sufficient) who has limitless provisions and wealth to bestow on whomever He wills.

And lastly, It has a part of Zil Jalali wal Ikraam (owner of Majesty and blessings), His glory surrounds the whole universe without any gaps, His Noor shines in every center and corner and His blessings are indeed never-ending.

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable - dimensions of glory of ALLAH are numerous, ayaah

The majestic name of ALLAH we commonly use in our daily salah on the ending note when we recite our salam and regards to our beloved Prophet ﷺ. It is wonderful that ALLAH chose His these two names out of His all majestic and beautiful names ie Al Hameed and Al Majeed to be included with the Salawat of His beloved Messengerﷺ.

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable - salawat e Ibrahimi contains Al Majeed with Al Hameed

The human part of this majestic name is in glorifying ALLAH both by our tongues and by our actions. When we prioritize His pleasure in every work, then we become an evident sign of His majestic glory, as all His creatures are the signs of His glory and are glorifying Him. ALLAH says in the Quran that all creatures are making tasbeeh of Him every moment but we are not able to know their ways of tasbeeh. SubhanALLAH, Alhamdulillah.

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable - human share in this name

Al Ba'ith - The Raiser of the Dead


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