Al Wadood - The Most Loving

Al Wudood - The Most Loving - cover

Al Wadood is the One Who is outstanding due to His kind love and affectionate expression of love.

Al Wadood is one of the most beautiful and beloved Names of ALLAH. It is derived from Al Wudd الود which simply means love with a practical expression. We have a commonly used word in Arabic Al Hubb الحُب for love. Al Wudd is more powerful than this as it shows affection with action.

Al Wadiod - The Most Loving - Explanation of name

ALLAH Al Wadood - His love is soothing and it fills the heart with a sound sense of peace. The peace and coolness of this love cannot be compared with any other love but as He subhanahu wa ta’ala estimated His love with more than 70 times of a Mother’s love, we may taste only a fraction of it in our Mother’s pure love.

Al Wudood - The Most Loving - ayah of al wudood 1

How ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala shows us affection? All the blessings around us show the love of Al Wadood for us. He made this universe for us filled with different varieties of beautiful provisions. All of them serve us and beautifully paint our surroundings. From a small piece of fruit to this huge cover of sky decorated with lamps and changing colors timely, all are aesthetically designed and delivered to us with love.

Al Wudood - The Most Loving - ayyah of Quran for Al Wudood

He took care of us when we were tiny in our mother's hands dependent on others for everything. He created love in our parents' hearts by His Rahmah. He protected us even when our parents were away or sleeping. From then till now every moment we are in His protection and no harm reaches us until it is written from Him. Some difficulties are good for us to grow and be strong and others are good to send us back to our loving Rab, whose intense love in many different ways, we see every day but often overlook and many times we take it for granted.

Al Wadiod - The Most Loving -human share in this name

The Quran gives us a good insight into those people who get special love from Al Wadood. He loves the people of ihsaan who give better than what is required from them. He loves the people of tawakkal who look towards Him in all circumstances and remain firmly connected to Him.

Also, It is part of His love that He makes other humans love us. He has all the power to make hearts love one another and turn the hating hearts too into loving ones.

Al Wudood - The Most Loving -ayah Al Wudood can turns the hearts from hatred to love

Al Wadood’s love is never-ending, it is totally worth running towards it and making efforts to get closer to Him to get more love. A peaceful heart in this world is not possible without understanding Him and loving Him back. Once we understand His loving kindness towards ourselves, we will know that everything is from Him, and life will become much easier.

Al Wudood - The Most Loving -ayah ALLAH will make love for belevers who do good deeds

Al Majeed - The Gloriously Honorable


Al Hakeem - The All Wise