Frequently Asked Questions

Why learning at TLN is a good idea?
●This resource is reliable.
●It has a friendly interface and the overall environment is suitable for ages ranging from small kids to teens, twenties and adults.
●Easy to use learning tools once you are oriented with the concept.
●Professionally designed vision board & practice material can be downloaded from the TLN store.
What is the salient feature of TLN learning?
TLN is designed as a fun-to-learn activity.
It starts the learning from very basic concepts professionally defined in a friendly manner
It is requested to all of you not to make it a boring and heavy responsibility on shoulders, which has to be just fulfilled.
The Lasting Noor is the process of Loving QURAN as a respectable friend who will stay with us throughout this life & come to greet us at our destination (insha ALLAH ❤️).
What do experts say about the appropriate age to start learning with TLN?
However, it varies greatly as the mental competency of all kids is different.
But for an average kid belonging to a non-Arab household, the age is 4 years (according to learning experts).
In addition, the optimal age for first-time completion of all modules is between 9-12 years.
Is this a resource for learning the Arabic language?
Not really, TLN is just giving you a basic understanding of the Arabic language which is directly related to the Quran.
It deals only with that part of Arabic, which is essential to learning the Quran in a reasonable depth. Our team has tried the best to keep it simple and basic.
I feel the modules are too lengthy for my kid's brain.
At TLN we start from the very basics, you may control the speed of progress according to the kid's needs.
The average age of progress mentioned is for an average kid, it can be more or less in your case.

I feel this resource is too heavy for my kid's brain?
Our kids are exposed at present time to much variable and fast moving informations.
There brain capacities are also greater as compared to same age counterparts 20 years back.
Kids of 3-4 years are skilled in those IT, mobile and computer terms which we used to know much later.
Kids of 9-12 years are successfully learning complicated coding skills and advanced technologies.
So, with all other knowledge, this should be earlier and updated as well.
Also, this is important to get knowledge from an authentic and friendly place in homely guidance.
This will definitely be the reliable tool of success for them, in all walks of life.
What is the level expected to achieve after finishing all module with TLN?
TLN is going to give a basic insight, if you follow all the modules, quizzes and take time for practice until the concept is clear, you are expected to:
Understand the language of Quran yourself without help or translation and extract out the true essence of Noor from it (inshALLAH).
Is finishing once all modules is enough to understand Quran teachings all together?
TLN is covering a basic level of knowledge, if you follow all the modules, quizzes and take some time for practice, you still have to remain attached with the source ie Quran.
Read at least few lines daily, make out the meaning with, what you have learnt.
If you have any doubts, discuss with us, a fellow learner or anyone having knowledge.
And most important, think briefly about what ALLAH is telling you at that specific day.

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