Calligraphy Section
Take this honour to Write ALLAH’s Name
We are beautiful creatures of ALLAH who made and nurtured us throughout our life with lots of affection.
Colours of His love and care, we see everyday around us, in the form of green trees, lovely flowers, cute birds, loving family, nourishing foods and countless blessings indeed.
We are not able to thank Him enough, but we just try to praise Him.
It is an honour to write His Greatest Names, Ayats and Duas as a gesture of Thanks.
There is no expertise needed but only a thankful heart and encouraged hands.
Let’s Do It…. !!

You can write it in any way you like;
You may do it by hand using any tool eg: pencil, pen, markers, paint brush, crayons to name few. This is the preferred mode in all.
You may do it digitally on any design app, by digital hand calligraphy or even by designing it all digitally.
If you are making it by hand, you can click a high quality photo under good lights or scan it clearly and send it to us.
The preferred format for digital files is PNG, although we accept JPEG as well.
For the purpose of including it here, all formats will be converted to PNG and than be uploaded.
The resolution quality has to match with our website standards.
Our admin will let you know if for any reason, we need to do some changes in your original design and it will be subject to your approval.
Please send original designs only. Kindly, don’t send any entries which are copied or having any copyright elements involved. TLN is not responsible for any such designs. In case of such events, the designs will be unfortunately deleted from the website.
All designs at TLN including this section, is under copyright - all rights reserved by our team.
No copies without permission, no commercial uses are Permissible.
It’s Beautiful to Write