Topics Index Page
This page is showing an organised index of all topics in the website.
All new topics will be added on this page whenever they will be included.
New topics will be added in their relevant sections, for making it easy to reach anything you like to see or revise.

Quran Language
Basics of Grammar
Introduction of Kalimah and its 3 types
First introduction to the basic root system of Arabic with simple examples
Simple roots explained for Surah e Fatihah by colour codes
How to recognise ism
Ism presentation- The variety of Ism
The 4 characters of Ism to see in every noun
Zamair ( The Personal Pronouns)
The Independent (detached) Pronouns
Dependent (attached) Pronouns
Examples of Pronouns in the Quran
Meeting “The Sun” and “The Moon”
The Moon Letters and remembering them with an illustration.
Introduction to Arabic Fel (Verb- Module 1)
The Fel (Verb Combos) ( Module 2 )
The 2 “Time” tenses in Arabic
Intro to Maazi, Mudaray and Masdar with Patterns in Family 1
Thulati Mujarrad Basic Patterns
Fel Al Maazi patterns with their pronouns
Quran examples of every verbal form
The 3rd person Fel Al Maazi 6 patterns (male and female) and the 3rd person verb forms charts
The 2nd person Fel Al Maazi 6 patterns (male and female) and the 2nd person verb forms charts
The 1st person Fel Al Maazi 6 patterns (male and female) and the 1st person verb forms charts.
Fel Al Maazi - The Past Tense - Whole Charts (verbal forms/ Gardaan charts)
Fel Al Maazi in Quran - Analysing The Ayaat with what we have learnt
Fel Al Mudaray Patterns and The Quran examples
The 3rd person Fel Al Mudaray’ 6 patterns (male and female) and the 3rd person verb forms charts
The 2nd person Fel Al Mudaray’ 6 patterns (male and female) and the 2nd person verb forms charts
The 1st person Fel Al Mudaray’ patterns (male and female) and the 1st person verb forms charts
Fel Al Mudaray - The Present/Future Tense - Whole Charts (Verbal Forms)
Fel Al Mudaray in Quran - Analysing the Ayaat with what we have learnt
Introduction to Harf
Huroof classification according to function
A brief outline of 4 major types of huroof
Tajweed Basics
Introduction of Tajweed and Learning it with TLN
5 Questions of Tajweed Learning
Harakat- Tiny Friends of Letters
Introduction to 5 basic harakat
( Fat-ha, Kasra, Damma, Sukoon, Shadda)
5 Harakat description (short vowels) and their movements
Shadda intro and example
Alif and Hamza (Introduction and different types)
Alif vs Hamza (How and why to differentiate)
Introduction to short vowels with simple examples to differentiate between long and short vowel sounds
Maddah and its types with examples
How to recognise different types in Quran
End of Ayah sign
jeem, sil and qil
Origin of Letters
Site of origin for letters - Intro
Presentation of origin
Chart of all origin together
Quiz- Origin of Letters
Introduction to Fat Letters and the way to pronounce
A brief review of the origin of fat letters. (Details will come in respective groups)
Groups of Letters according to Site of Origin and Practice in the Quran