Fel Al Mudaray -
Patterns & The Quran Examples
Let us see the Examples of Fel al Mudaray’ with all the Pronouns
3rd Person (Not present in Talk) like he, she, they - Examples and charts for Mudaray’ (Present + Future Tense Verbs)
3rd Person Charts for Madaray’ (Present + Future Tense Verbs)
2nd Person (present in Talk) means: You (singular, double and plural) - Examples and charts for Madaray’
(Present + Future Tense Verbs)
We will study the topic of light version of Fel Insha ALLAH in detail later
2nd Person Charts for Madaray’ (Present + Future Tense Verbs)
1st Person ( I and Me ) - Examples and Charts for Madaray Tense Verbs.