The Lasting Noor is an effort to update our Quran Learning system
The Answer to WHY?
In the recent era, requirement of an ‘add on’ Quran Learning System is felt in non arabic Muslim families, throughout the world.
Which can effectively address the need of early introduction to the language and ultimately the depth of Quran.
Quran is the noor from our “creator” and our “owner”, to guide us in the path of life.
Who knows our life better than the ONE Who made us with “love” & nurtured us throughout.
When ultimately we reach the essence of Quran, we have already lived half of our life, or even more.
Our young generation is much more faster in learning new subjects and their access to variable knowledge is quite vast.
The need of giving them address to correct path, is even more important.
TLN team believes that, a friendly Quran learning environment, earlier in life can enlighten the whole journey.
The Answer to WHAT?
TLN is an “ADD ON” learning system.
We are a completely non-profit educational resource.
We are not asking for any fees and not asking for any type of donations at any level or any place.
The only payment section in TLN is out of course downloads which are absolutely optional.
We have only 2 requests:
All learning resources for kids need supervision. Please, take time and be with them in the process.
This is a high time for all of us to value seeking ilm of Quran, for peace and strength in life, more than a religious responsibility.
We are very busy in our difficult life, it’s better to make it guided(=easy) and successful.
Let’s help each other to be a stronger momin
The Answer to WHO?
Team TLN is a collaboration between professionals of different fields, education psychology specialists, native arabic teachers and designers. All of them are Quran students on different levels, seeking to learn everyday some more and know the responsibility of sharing it.
Why we say “Team TLN” instead of individual identities?
This is part of our very clear policy.
We are here for Quran, we worked hard with our whole hearts to make it a beautiful effort in love of Quran.
But we all learn together for our ALLAH and for our own improvement of image “Only in eye of ALLAH”.
let’s promote our Quran, instead of individual names, locations and qualifications.
“We don’t belong to any religious or political group or person
To ALLAH we all belong and to HIM we will return.”
“We don’t ask for any donations, here or anywhere”
“This website is having sections which are open for all contributors without any difference of place, language or identity, but team TLN is not responsible for copyright issues regarding contributions beyond admins. It is requested to all contributors to take care of this and also report if you find any issues.
No one can value the feelings of getting NOOR until you get it. The noor that will last till next life.
Welcome to TLN Family.
“Each & Everyone is welcome to
Revise &
The Creative and Focused Learning for all age groups

The Lasting Noor
Introductory Slides
Because We love to know quran more and more
Learning with TLN- Guide