Root System of Arabic words
Words in Arabic are based on 3 root letters.
“Root” is a three-letter group that can stand alone.
It may also be used to form new words by adding other letters to them, in the known patterns which we will study.
Each root word has a basic meaning and that word can be expanded to create new words with related definitions.
All of us have seen the ice cube mold tray in our freezers.
We can consider ف ع ل as that mold, in which we can put any 3 letters root and it will be ready on the same pattern.
So we noticed that vocabulary in Arabic (verbs and their respective isms) has base structures of 3 letters called ROOT
3 Letters are:
First letter is “FA” letter
Second letter is “AEN” letter
Third letter is “LAAM” letter
ہم نے دیکھا کہ عربی میں الفاظ (فعل اور ان کے متعلقہ اسم) میں 3 حروف کی بنیادی ساخت ہوتی ہے
: ف ع ل فعل
پہلا حرف فا كلمه ہے
دوسرا حرف ع كلمه ہے
تيسرا حرف ل كلمه ہے
فَعَلَ” ايك بُنیادی وزن ہے”
اسی میں تھوڑی تبدیلی اور اضافے کے ساتھ دوسرے سب وزن بنتے ہیں
Let’s see few common examples from our Quran to understand.
At this point, just focus on the three-letter roots of words, we are going to study the different patterns of words they form in the next lesson and the concepts will be more clear with that.
The root system is the base of the Arabic language, now when you read the Quran today, just notice the words and try to get their roots, you will be surprised how amazing it is to see them forming several words from this basic three-lettered root.
To be more clear about the concepts of the root system, this quiz is going to give an easy practice chance with the help of a few examples.
Estimated average time: 7 mins