The Sentence of Ism الجملة الاسمية
Al Jumla Al Ismiya
This section introduces us to the commonly used fragments. In the last section of “Combination of Words,” we saw that we have an incomplete phrase ( Murakkab) and a complete phrase (Jumla).
Let us have a closer look at the “Sentence of Ism”
This is interesting that we are briefly introducing the “Common Murakkab Combos” in this chapter. We will In sha ALLAH do them individually in a bit of detail later.
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Let us look at a few examples from the Quran to understand the components of Jumla Ismiya (The Sentence of Ism)
What are those nouns and noun combinations that make
Ism ‘1’ (Subject) and Ism ‘2’ (News) in Jumla Ismiya
It is interesting to look at examples of different “Subject Nouns” مُبتداء
commonly used in Ayaat of the Quran
Examples of Jumla Ismiya from the Quran