Frequently Asked Questions

Is TLN learning giving me all the required Islamic knowledge?
TLN is a basis of knowledge, if you follow the learning process and remain attached to the source ie Quran regularly, once you can understand the Quran easily, you will feel to know it better.
Ilm of Quran is a continuous process, then, whenever you get the time you can build a more beautiful building over this base, by reading detailed Quran Tafseer, ahadith, Seerat & Sunnat un Nabi (saww).
Moreover, since Arabic is a deep and amazing language, If at any future time, you will want to take a Quranic grammar or Arabic language course, your basic concepts are all ready to go and you won’t have any difficulties understanding advanced Arabic.
We have seen resources which promise to make us understand the Quran in 14 days, so why TLN does not give us such a promise and a limited-time strategy?
TLN is not promoting any limited-time strategies in its learning.
Neither do we support any commercial type of learning on our website, nor do we give any shortcuts.
This ilm for which we are giving you basic structure is a lifelong process, this is about the speech of ALLAH to you every single day when you read it, we are not looking to finish it in many days, weeks, years, the process of learning will continue and grows with your ongoing life.
Will I get a certificate of completion?
We are not giving any certificates in routine but if you want one for any reason, please email us and we can give you a certificate with details of the modules covered by you.

Do you need to pay a fee to register in the beginning or at any point ahead in the coming modules?
All the resources and course-related downloads are free.
They are free for now and for always. (by ALLAH’s help and with His will)
No modules in future will be charged.
We are not interested to ask in any type of donation at any time or any place.
The only contribution that is welcome, is to take time for learning, help others around in this process and share your part of contributing to efforts.
Can I share & reuse the downloads in my class, home, family, and friends?
All course-related downloads can be used for educational purposes, for the benefit of our society, in a non-profit setting.
They are owned by our organisation and all rights are reserved.
These are not for sale anywhere or not to be shared on social media with another owner.
In case of such an incident, our legal team will deal with it strictly.
I am an adult, how this resource is useful for me?
This resource is designed as a common community platform, it has something to offer to every one of us.
If you want to be more friendly with Quran and know more of its secrets or you want to revise your learning in a new and interesting way, you are most welcome.
If you feel your level is higher, contribute to sharing ilm with the others, please. We are here to take from you.
Any plans about 1:1 teaching at TLN?
The basic concept of TLN is not for 1:1 online Quran teaching.
It is made on the idea of pleasant & friendly learning to develop a deeper understanding of the Quran for everyone, at their own comfort time.
This resource is designed as a common community platform, it has something to offer to every one of us. Parents, siblings, teachers and kids can learn, revise and help together in an environment of Love & care, not just to fulfil a religious duty.
What does TLN have to offer for children/teens/adults of autism spectrum and different abilities?
The youth of autism spectrum are special consideration at TLN.
Our team of educational psychologists has approved all the designs considering them. Most of the colour combinations are kept on the milder side along cute colourfulness is added in learning modules to keep ADHD youth engaged but don’t go into a mode of aggression ( if they belong to that side of the spectrum).
Most spectrum children are fairly good in visual learning, that is the basic rule we took care of everywhere for our learning modules. Parents and teachers are welcome to contact us on email and social handles (Instagram + Facebook) for any further help or guidance needed.
Why on earth me or my child have to make all this effort? We have enough understanding of the Quran, we can make out the meaning roughly.
It is always interesting to revise what you know, in a new style, it will add a new dimension and depth to your vision, that nurtures mental growth.
Subjects in the Quran are much deeper than we assume in superficial understanding.
Moreover, the Quran can amaze you every time in an all-new way.
This is not a book which you can get a grip and then keep on side. This is the speech of ALLAH the ever living to you every day.
If you know enough, say Alhamdulillah, and revise it with someone around, who doesn't know. Share your ilm in this process & strengthen around "you" the barakah and noor of sharing ilm.