Al Hakeem - The All Wise

Al Hakeem - The All Wise - cover

Al Hakeem is the One Who has the perfect wisdom. Perfection is defined here as combining it with a perfect vision, knowledge, and authority. This combination is only true for ALLAH and is impossible in any other case.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise - explanation of name

The word: Hikmah" comes from the root of ح ك م. The basic meaning of hkm is " in control". Just like, we do have a control panel for every system in the world. Hakeem is the faail (doer) form of hikmah at a superlative degree. The One Who owns plenty of it. So ALLAH - Al Hakeem has a control panel for our entire life which He controls perfectly and effortlessly with His wisdom.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise - ayah - lillahi junood us samawaat e wal ard

What ‘Hikmah’ actually means is quite interesting. Although we translate it as "wisdom" this does not do justice to the word of hikmah. Hikmah is more about controlling and guiding toward what is right, which needs total insight into what is right and what is wrong, as without complete awareness no one can decide the right way. Here comes the function of perfect knowledge and vision of ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala which constitute the superior wisdom of Al Hakeem.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise - ayah , wa lillahi al masal al aala

ALLAH Al Hakeem used this name for Him several times in the Quran along with His other magnificent names as Al Azeez, Al Aleem, Al Khabeer, Al Ali, and Al Wasay. The most frequently seen name with Al Hakeem is Al Azeez, two of these combine & make a perfect equation of faultless decision-making and control of Al Hakeem.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise - ayah - hoa qaahiro fauqa ibaadi

Humans get a part of hikmah from our Rab. That is given to whom He chooses. The hikmah of humans is about getting to know and understand life. That actually means knowing more and more about our Rab-Al Hakeem. We cannot understand life without understanding the Creator of life.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise - human share in this name

The beginning of wisdom is the consciousness of ALLAH. This will begin with knowledge of what He likes and what He dislikes. This can be learned by understanding the Hakeem Book of ALLAH to adopt it and asking Him most humbly to grant us hikmah.

Greatly lucky are those humans who are gifted with hikmah from ALLAH, and that is one of the greatly valuable assets from Al Hakeem.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise- ayah who has been given hikmah has been given greater good

ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala is our All Wise decision maker. He is concerned about our welfare and safety more than anyone else even ourselves. We humans keep wishes about every matter but our vision is very limited. Only ALLAH knows at a given time what is good for us and what is not.

This is the time to understand life and practice to be aligned with ALLAH’s decisions with a happy heart to become nearer to our Rab-Al Hakeem.

Al Hakeem - The All Wise -ayah - innal hukmu illa lillahi

Al Wadood - The Most Loving


Al Wasay'- The Vastly Expansive