Al Wasay'- The Vastly Expansive

ALLAH Al Wasay is the One Who has the widespread presence and kingdom. He is vast in His qualities also which are limitless. So, because of His all-expansive presence and all-encompassing characteristics, our Rab is Al Wasay'.

Al Wasay is one of the most liberating names of ALLAH, giving us the feeling of flexibility and wide space. This is yet in the cover of being watched due to His vast ilm about every smallest detail and act. But when we look at His promise of rahmah, His kindness of giving us chances again and again, waiting for us to choose the correct way, and guiding us through His perfect book, then we become sure His love for us is so vast and limitless.

ALLAH Al Wasay' has the most expansive and encompassing characteristics. He is widely available ie: everywhere without any limits. His Highness and Majesty are unchallenged and without boundaries. His kingdom is all over what we can imagine and what we cannot imagine. His blessings and bounties surround everything. His kind forgiveness is capable of absorbing all our sins and is widely available for everyone who asks for it. His widespread Rahmah is the reason this world is functioning effectively.

ALLAH's ilm is the origin of each ilm in this world. It is actually true for every ilm not only the religious sciences but all variable sorts of knowledge. The first and last of every type of knowledge is an extension from ALLAH's perfect ilm. The share of ilm from ALLAH that human receives is one of His greatest blessings.

The vastness of ALLAH's rahmah can never be estimated. His love, care, and compassion for us cannot be imagined by our minds’ limited imagination. The mother's love is the most selfless and tender of all the loves we have. Then how to calculate it with a multiple of 70. That is enormous indeed. The signs of His rahmah we may see everywhere around us, some noticed and many unnoticed. SubhanALLAH. May ALLAH widen our wisdom to understand His signs. Aameen

The human part of Al Wasay' is realizing the vastness and expansive nature of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala. We should not delay to ask His mercy and His forgiveness. The moment we are in today is the best time to return to ALLAH and be closer and closer to Him. Delaying it is only our loss.

On the other side of this share, we have to give every soul the benefit of flexibility and vastness, as we belong to the One who is Al Wasay'. How can we behave rudely, inflexibly, and unkind to ourselves and the others around us, when our Rab is extremely vast in His forgiveness and rahmah?

If we give wide space and flexibility to others through our efforts, we will get more vast capacity from ALLAH - Al Wasay’. Insha ALLAH.


Al Hakeem - The All Wise


Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive