Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive - cover

Al Mujeeb is the One who responds to every call. Mujeeb is the faa’el ( doer ) form derived from the root ج و ب. From the same root as we have the word جواب which is simply response. So likewise the Mujeeb is the one who responds efficiently. It has an element of doing it again and again and continuously.

Not only He responds but He responds practically and grants us ease from sufferings out of His kindness. He is our loving and caring Rab who listens, responds, and fulfills our prayers throughout our lives. Alhamdulillah, SubhanALLAH

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive explanation of name

No one else can respond to our calls and requests other than Him. ALLAH Al Mujeeb listens exclusively to all the dua words. Sometimes we feel that we are praying to Him and He is not answering certain prayers for a long time. We need to know that being Al Mujeeb, He answers every prayer. Certain requests are not better for us to get done or it is not a good time to get that specific thing done. Yet another reason is the communication between us and our Rab is partially blocked due to our sins. We need to do more istighfar and zikr to make this communication better. In that case, we don’t have to lose heart as ALLAH is our forgiving Rab. We need to continue requesting Him along with asking for forgiveness and try not to repeat sins.

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive - in Quran He said Himself to ask Him and He will respond

So this is an open invitation and kind message from our Rab with a promise of responding when He will be called. ALLAH Subhanhu was taala called Himself “ n’em al Mujeeboon” آلَنِعْمَ الْمُجِيبُونَ which means the “best from all the responders”. SubhanALLAH

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive - in Quranic ayah

The people who are habitual of asking each and everything from their Rab alone have the privilege of recognition in His Majesty. We can ask Him the smallest of the small wishes and the biggest of the big ones. He is all able to respond and grant us everything. For Him, nothing is big as He has ultimate authority.

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive - human share explanation

The human share in this name is in many folds. The first one is definitely about being responsive and dutiful towards our Rab.

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive - human share 1 ayah

It is about, obeying Him. In terms of listening to His call of salah in time. Also by responding to His book’s clear messages and fulfilling our duties as mentioned in the Quran. It is a decent and natural response, as He listens to us all the time, and He blesses us without even asking, so we should also be mindful of our duties.

Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive - when my ibad ask you about me , I am near

Then the next share is to be responsive to His servants. This is in whatever way ALLAH is enabling us to do, to our capacity.

It is expected to make an effort to assist every requesting person in whatever they ask if we can do it, or with a kind response if we are unable to do so.

Also included in this share is to be responsive to invitations from fellow Muslims. Our beloved Prophet ﷺ used to accept invitations and respond well to them. Also accepting the gifts and responding with a better one is also present in His Sunnah.


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