Al Hayyi - The (Ever) Living

Al Hayyi is the One and the only One who is Ever-Living. He has a perfection in life with no end. He does not have ups and downs. There is no order over Him and no helplessness. His life is away from any imperfection as we see in the lives of the creatures. He is the "always living" Creator of life and the One who gives life & keeps all others living for the period He wills.

ALLAH Al Hayyi is the One who gives life. He gives new life to the hearts and emotions when we feel they become dead. He has given life to dead souls by sending His guidance and bestowed a new life to Mankind by sending His messenger ﷺ and the Quran. The knowledge of the Quran is the revival of life.

Al Hayyi is the One whom we can rely upon. As there is an end to everything and everyone except Him. No one can be totally reliable who is short-lived and who is not in control of life. So, by this criteria, He is the only One reliable and He is the only best One to look at in difficult times.

Life is all about liveliness and vitality and these modalities are always related to our ever-living and growing-up relationship with our Rab.

For us, there is no life, no survival and no final success without the Quran and the way it guides towards. So we need to keep it closer to our hearts and continue to study it again and again to refresh our relationship with it.

The aim of this is to make the Quran’s prescribed ways our lifestyle. This is the blessed life that can take us to success. In this way, we continue glorifying ALLAH for giving us every blessing and hoping for a better end of life as well by the grace and rahmah of Al Hayyi.


Al Qayyum - The Sustainer of Existence


Al Mumit - The Death-Giving Authority