Al Mumit - The Death-Giving Authority

Al Mumit is the One who can decide and designate death. He is the only authorized One to give death to anyone living. It applies to humans as well as all creatures bigger or smaller than humans. No one can taste death without His order. No one can skip death as everliving is only ALLAH - Al Mumit who gives death to all.

ALLAH says in the Quran that the death from which we keep on running away will finally meet us. Whether anyone likes it or dislikes it, every soul has to go back to the Rab-Al Mumit. He is the exclusive decision-maker for death matters without any contributions. As humans, we just assume the causes and conditions leading to death but the ultimate explanation of death is just ALLAH's order.

Despite we know the reality of life, our so many wishes are still connected to this life. In this scenario, we should try our best to consume more of our time preparing for our real life and to secure a good place in that. As death comes without any delay and indications at ALLAH’s designated moment, it is a great idea to keep ourselves reminded of it.

The time of death is fixed by ALLAH that cannot be preponed or postponed by any means. Our bodies are given to us as a temporary residence of our souls. When Al-Mumit calls any soul, it will return to the creator without delay.

In the process of preparing for our real and everlasting lives, from every task that we do every day, we can get some reward points for our intentions to obey ALLAH and seek His pleasure. Also, some more points we may gain by doing zikr of ALLAH whenever we get an opportunity.

Last but not least death is the pathway of our meeting to our loving Rab who lovingly supported, healed, and nurtured us throughout our lives.

Till the time comes when He decides to call us, may we be able to keep our conduct like that we can stand in front of Him atleast with some good hope of forgiveness. May ALLAH make our deaths and the later matters easier for us by His great Rahmah. Aameen


Al Hayyi - The (Ever) Living


Al Muhyi - The Life-Giving Authority