Al Qayyum - The Sustainer of Existence

Al Qayyum is the One who is ever sustained, ever established, and independent of all needs from anyone else. Al Qayyum is also the One who sustains and provides His support to others.

Qayyum is the superlative degree that came from the root of " ق و م". Another similar word used for establishing prayers is قيام الصلٰوة and also when we stand still for qiraa in salah (prayers) it is called قيام.

Qayyum is the superlative doer form of قيام means who remains strong and consistently upright without anyone's support and is absolutely self-sufficient. Our Rab is Al Qayyum: The Self-Sustained and The Sustainer.

Al Qayyum is the name of ALLAH combines all the "doing" characters of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala. All included in this name whatever He subhanahu wa ta’ala keeps on doing for His creatures, if we say in one word; He sustains them. For example by giving rizq, providing safety, handing them support when in need, and keeping them established by blessing them with all the provisions of life. And then, we all have to return to Him one day. Al Qayyum will establish the day of grand judgment for all of us.

The first aspect of Al Qayyum is that He is self-sufficient. He does not have any needs and is not looking for any type of support. This aspect we have studied before in Al Ghani.

The second aspect of Al Qayyum is providing support to everything and everyone else. ALLAH holds strong and faultless, the skies and the earth (and also everything which is within them).

The human share in this name is asking ALLAH for every support and strength as He is the only Al Qayyum. This name tells us not to worry a lot about our important and difficult decisions. Al Qayyum is always there to sustain us. We just need to trust Him and rely upon Him.

The combination of these two names i.e. Al Hayyi and Al Qayyum has tremendous power in it by the kindness of ALLAH. Asking ALLAH by calling Him with these two beautiful, life and strength-giving names doesn't fail at any time. ALLAH always supports and He always makes ways for the people who ask Him with these names. Let us ask Al Qayyum for all the support we need.


Al Wajid - The (Absolutely) Resourceful


Al Hayyi - The (Ever) Living