Al Wajid - The (Absolutely) Resourceful

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful - cover

Al Wajid is the One who has all the resources. He finds without searching what He wills. There is nothing said as a missing item for Him.

This name is derived from the root of و ج د. From this root, we have the verb وَجَدَ, which means " He found". It is simple to understand that when we make it in "doer noun" on the pattern of " فَاعِل" it will be وَاجِد.

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful - explanation of name

ALLAH - Al Wajid tests the humans He has created, about who is better in the action. He finds out who is practically and willfully submitting to Him and who is just doing it in words before the testing time. May ALLAH we become that good, as ALLAH wants us to see. May He find us among the obedient ones. Aameen

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful - ayah 1 - finding positively

In this world, there are also unfortunate servants of ALLAH who take the way of Shaitan instead of the way of ALLAH and choose disgrace for their final destination. May ALLAH never find us among these people of hellfire. aameen Ya Rab. اللَّهُمَّ اَجِرنِى مِنَ النَّارِ اَجمَعِين

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful - ayah 2 - finding negatively

Al Wajid blesses us with whatever He finds missing in our lives when He likes to fill that gap. He is the best to decide when we will get what is a blessing from His side.

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful - find the needs ayah 3

He is the only One who knows what, how, and when we find out any specific matter. Without His approval, no knowledge and understanding can be achieved.

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful - human share

The human share in this name is to be reminded that we cannot find a helping friend and protector other than Him. And we often end up disappointed when we expect these things from others. ALLAH Al Wajid is our Wali in this world and the next one. Let us try our best to be in a way that He may find and write us among His loving and obedient servants.

Al Wajid - The ( Absolutely ) Resourceful- ayah of human share in this name

Al Wahid - The (Unique) One


Al Qayyum - The Sustainer of Existence