Al Wali - The Loving Protector

Al Wali is our protecting guardian, our loving Rab who is always there for us in all good and difficult times. He guides us. We ask Him for help when we are not able to decide and be confused in the roughness of time. Friends are those who are standing with us in tough times and are available to listen, guide, and help. So, in this way, we can easily understand that ALLAH Al Wali is our best friend.

For the people of eeman, ALLAH promised His strong support. To be eligible for this support we need to rely upon and trust Him with our full heart. The heart of the believer is like Prophet Ibrahim alaihis salat o wassalam who was thrown in the fire and did not surrender in front of falsehood. Al Wali sent His soothing support and the fire became a soft and cool destination for him instead of burning him. Don't think that he was the Prophet and we are just common people. Look at his trust in ALLAH and think about Al Wali, who is the same Rab who protected him and protected us too several times. Then why don't we have that strength of trust?

Life is much easier with the support of an honest and caring friend. Who is more caring than Al Wali? He nourished us from the day we were tiny inside our mothers. He protected us when we were small and all dependant. Also, throughout the journey of life, He did not leave us alone at any time.

The human share of Al Wali is in loving and truly obeying our Loving Guardian.

ALLAH - may He be praised and exalted said that He is the Wali of those who believe and those who disbelieve have no Wali.

We should also be ready to stand for His message and to say His greatness with whatever efforts we may make. For His sake, we should love the people who have a love for ALLAH.

ALLAH - The Great and Glorious has protected Prophet Yousuf alaihis salat o wassalam and bestowed on him honorable ilm and status after all the tests. Let’s look at his words to ALLAH as narrated in the Quran. Feel that, how strong and loving the relationship these words show between the slave and the Wali. May ALLAH make us among those who look at Al Wali in all circumstances and all matters. aameen.


Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy


Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm