Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm

Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm - cover image

Al Mateen is the One having intense strength and firmness. There is no limit to His powers and capacities. No one can dare to move Him. No one can even reach Him. There is no possibility to harm Him. He is the One whose powers do not exhaust over time like all others.

Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm - explanation of name

Mateen comes from the root word of م ت ن. Matn متن is "The Original". It is often used for the original words in a text that are important and the rest of the text is just explaining those words.

In this meaning, Mateen is the One who is "The Origin". From whom the life originated. From whom all the light and power in this world is coming. He is the provider of provision and all the goodness to all of us.

Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm - ayah - Inna ALLAH hoa razzaq , dhul quwatil mateen

“Mateen” is said to be a well-made very strong rope that can be completely dependable to hold on to the heaviest weights attached to it. From there, we can well understand the basic meaning of Al Mateen.

Our Rab Al Mateen is all dependable. He is intensely powerful throughout the time without His firmness to be weakened at any moment. Every power is limited at some point, except His original power.

He is firm not only in this world but also inside us. He is near, deeply rooted in the heart and He is all over. He is the owner of life and breath in us.

Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm - ALLAH is deeply rooted in our hearts

The human part of Al Mateen is simply about attaching ourselves to His original and limitless power instead of the limited powers of this world. Using the strength ( talents ) ALLAH has given us in this life in the better ways.

Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm - human part in this name

May ALLAH our Al Mateen Rab be pleased with us before that day. May He bless us with the strength to do good in this world and with His shadow on the day of final decisions. Aameen Ya Rab.

Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm - human part ayah, ALLAH will make firm believers in this lfe and in hereafter

Al Wali - The Loving Protector


Al Qawi - The All Strong