Al Qawi - The All Strong

Al Qawi is the One “all Strong”. He has the perfection of strength which cannot be possible other than Him. Everyone other than Him has weak points either physically or mentally. He is strong over all things in existence and cannot be forced by any other strength. He does not require any helping hand or supporting voice. He is not getting any provisions from anyone but He is providing everything to everyone. There is no strength in this world in front of His perfect strength.

ALLAH Al Qawi is the origin of all strength too. Not only He is “The Strong” in all times and all conditions, without any changes but He is capable of providing strength in times of need.

When we feel ourselves weak, He is the only One who sends us motivation. He is the only One who can make us strong either by internally making us think “ I can do it with ALLAH’s help” or externally sending someone to us, to soothe our hearts and strengthen our nerves. Not only this but, AL Qawi has thousands of different ways to motivate us which sometimes we realize and sometimes we cannot. Some day when we are feeling low He makes us read that one special ayah of the Quran that can give us enough energy to cope with the day. He is our wonderful Rab who is always there to strengthen us.

In the ayaat of the Quran, we read the life stories of different messengers who lived their whole lives of struggle. The messengers (alaihum assalato wassalam) were those humans who were tested with the most difficult conditions. They were in outstanding hardships but they remained strong in faith on their straight paths. How do they remain strong? The shortest response to this question is “ Because of their strong connection to ALLAH - Al Qawi.”

If we need strength in life we need to be closer to ALLAH and make efforts to do the works He likes. An effective way to be close to Him is His book as It is His direct speech to us. An additional way is His zikr and His tasbeeh. Our beloved messenger ﷺ told us about many azkaar that we can keep in our daily routine, to be closer to ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala.

The human part of Al Qawi is admitting His strength and our weakness. Humans can have weak points which can be physical or mental. There are certain fears and emotions we all have in our lives that make us weaker. It is easier to say than do that we should only fear ALLAH. A human heart can have certain worries and phobias which is a completely normal thing but we need to keep the faith in ALLAH’s strength all above everything.

Being connected as a servant to Al Qawi, we should learn how to turn our weaknesses into our strengths. It is by getting more aware of ourselves and our Rab. By that, we can recognize the real strength of our Rab and feel that strong back for us always.

It is by giving our best helping hands to the ones who we see weaker than us and asking ALLAH’s help for all the support we need. ALLAH likes the servants remembering Him, asking His help and for them, He sends a part from His immortal perfect strength.


Al Mateen - The Intensely Firm


Al Wakeel - The Trusted Authority