Al Wakeel - The Trusted Authority

Al-Wakeel is the One who has all matters entrusted to Him. He is a trusted authority for all affairs of life. There are human authorities who are mostly specialized in one branch and one aspect but ALLAH does not have any such limitations. He is trusted and dependable in every aspect without any shortcomings.

Moreover, He can fulfill all the trust which is in Him. He has the power and the authority over all things. He has perfection in carrying out all trusted tasks without any difficulties or tiredness. Even, He doesn't have any on-and-off timing, we can trust our Al Wakeel at any moment with complete security and assurance.

Wakeel وكيل is derived from و ك ل with a meaning of trust. We have a list of very common words derived from this root word like tawwakal توكَّل means putting trust. Another one is Mutawakkal مُتَوكَّل who is putting his trust in someone. It is used in the Quran for the believers who put all their trust in ALLAH. And so, there is Al Wakeel, الوكيل to whom the trust is going, and indeed all trust and all dependence is for our Rab Al Wakeel.

The role of Al Wakeel is exclusive and is only suitable for ALLAH. No one else in life can be in that place. Yes, we trust humans but only for a specific matter and a specific time. In that also our ultimate trust is not in humans but in our Rab as we know, no small or big task can be done, other than what He orders and He allows.

The human share in Al Wakeel is obvious. We need to trust and depend on our Rab for all our matters. May the matters be bigger or smaller, the eyes should remain on ALLAH to make it happen and the heart should only ask Him to make it happen. This focused dependence on ALLAH with complete trust gives us a beautiful freedom to live. This trust that He will do it for us is the essence of this name on the human side.

Our beloved Prophetﷺ kept on worrying for his Ummah out of affection and the sense of responsibility to guide them at best. ALLAH advised him to just fulfill his responsibility and leave the guidance and conduct of people upon Al Wakeel. He is the Best to manage all.

The other side of the human share is interesting and yet another way to make us free of worries. As we know the destination of Al Wakeel is exclusive for ALLAH, may He be praised and exalted. All glory and power belong to Him as Al Wakeel. When we worry a lot for the people we care about, for their matters and their lives, as sometimes we worry for our kids to be righteous humans. Other times we worry about matters related to fate and delay in decisions. At that time we need to remind ourselves that these things are all taken care of by Al Wakeel. Our worries are just beneficial till the extent we ask Him and pray to Him. Rest we should leave in His care and stop worrying. Al-Wakeel is there to take care of everything very well.


Al Qawi - The All Strong


Al Haqq - The (Absolute) Truth