Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy- cover page

Al Hameed is the only One who is absolutely praiseworthy. He is praiseworthy for who He is. If we forget for a moment about all His beautiful names and perfect qualities, if we say no one is there to praise Him, even then it does not make any difference to His being all eligible for every praise in this world. He is ALLAH Al Hameed our loving Rab.

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy - explanation of name

Al Hameed is praised by everyone and everything around us. If we humans think that our praises are needed a bit anywhere in His Majesty, that is not true.

ALLAH said every one of His creatures on the face of the earth saying His tasbeeh and praising Him continuously. He has a widespread army of Malaika who do not get fatigued like us humans and continue to praise Him nonstop.

The creatures who are actually in desperate need to make hamd of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala are ourselves, for the revival of our true souls.

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy - ayah 1 - ALLAH is al Ghani al Hameed

The simple words of our praise for Him are more beneficial than what we think. He is praiseworthy for His kindness that He acknowledges our little praises towards Him and rewards them hugely. The little words of our Hamd are capable of being heavier on the balance and in sha ALLAH will make us nearer to ALLAH’s mercy.

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy - hadith - alhamdulillah fills the meezan

ALLAH - Al Hameed is praised for He is the creator of everything. He is praiseworthy for His own qualities and the qualities and talents He bestowed on every one of His beautiful creations. For example, the human is one of His masterpiece creations. Every single person has a complex set of talents and a variety of gifted skills. The existence of the person on earth is His hamd and the existence of each one of his goodness is again His hamd. Nothing that exists can happen besides His doing, that's why everything in the universe is a praise to Al Hameed.

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy - ayah 2 - He sends the hope and spread His mercy

The human share in this beautiful name of ALLAH is praising ALLAH. Our hearts get their due purification when we praise Him. This gives our hearts the energy and liveliness to cope with life. Al Hamdu lillah. All the praise is only for Him.

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy - the human share

Praiseworthy among humans are those who are not looking for any praise from fellows. They are guided by ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala to make efforts in life only for the pleasure of ALLAH. They do good things and serve others around them only for the day when they have to face ALLAH. Who praise ALLAH's greatness by tongue and by actions and recognize the honor of taking the straight path to success despite challenges.

Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy - the ayah- human share in this name

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