Al Muhsee - The (Detailed) Counting Authority

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - cover

Al Muhsee is the One who is absolutely perfect in the calculation and counting of everything. He is our Creator and He knows everything in depth. He knows what and how many creations He made and spread in this word and He knows how to nurture each living being. As He is the only One who knows each one present in His created world so it is definitely possible for Him to keep an accurate record of them, their needs and their actions.

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - explanation of name

Al Muhsee المُحصِي is the name of ALLAH which we don't see in the Quran in the noun form but we see it many times as the verb. The verbal form of this name used in the Quran is أحْصَي which simply means to count, to keep a record accurately, to count something safely so that it can be recounted later on. Muhsee is the doer noun form (اسم الفاعل) of this. ALLAH - Al Muhsee is the authority that counts and keeps accurate records.

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - ayah ALLAH has written everything accurately

ALLAH is counting everything in a detailed written form, in a Book which will be open on the Day of Qiyamah for each person and we will be able to see exactly what we did, with what intention, due to what interest and how we dealt with all related conditions of that action.

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - ayah they forget their actions but ALLAH has counted them

ALLAH is all aware of our intentions and the intentions of those who opposed Him and His words. Those may get a time in this world as per ALLAH's will but their actions against the ALLAH's commands are very well recorded. He will do full justice to them as they deserve on the day of accounts.

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - ayah ALLAH has a perfect count of His enemies

Human share in this name is having 2 sides and both are equally important. They are related to "shukar" الشكر the thankful attitude for the countless blessings from ALLAH. Hopefully for our 'thankful hearts' He will count our thanks and give more blessings which we cannot count.

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - human share

The second one is "The consciousness to ALLAH"التقوَى which will save us from the worst destination. It will save us from saying on the day of accounts as the unaware people will say after looking at their "record book"

"Woe to us! what is this book"

Al Muhsee -  The (Detailed) Counting Authority - human share ayah for yaum al qaiyamah account book

May ALLAH make all of us do plenty of good works which we cannot recount, as humans are good at forgetting but ALLAH - Al Muhsee will (in sha ALLAH) count, remember, record and reward them for the best, aameen.


Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator


Al Hameed - The All Praiseworthy