Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator

Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator - cover

Al Mubdee is the One who is the originator of everything that is created. He started this from scratch and perfected this process of beginning, all alone, without any previous similar existence.

This is coming from the base root of ب د أ which is to start, to begin. It is used in the Quran al Kareem in only verbal form as بَدَأَ ( past tense ) and يَبْدَأُ/يُبْدِئُ (present/future tense). Mubdee مُبْدِئ is the ‘Doer Noun’ form ( اسم الفاعل ) of this verb.

Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator - explanation of name

Al Mubdee is the name telling us the fantastic creative work of ALLAH, our Loving Rab, and that is also about creating the original and the perfect. ALLAH invites us to various ayaat to see and think about His creations. How perfectly and beautifully He started and completed them in the best possible way.

Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator - ayah 1 , travel at earth & see how ALLAH began creation

ALLAH Al Mubdee has originated living beings and non-living ones. For the human, He told us in the Quran al Hakeem that He created humans with clay i.e. combination of sand and water together. Also, another ayah in the Quran says that He created everything with water. So water is one of the basic ingredients of every existing being.

Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator - ayah 2, ALLAH began the creation of man with clay

This quality of being an Originator can only be possible for ALLAH Subhanahu wa ta’ala. There is no one else who can create from the very beginning.

The human part in this name is looking now for a fresh start for our soul. The soul that loves ALLAH more than any time before. That can obey ALLAH in bright, grey, and dark all types of days in life. The soul that can understand better the past decisions of ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala He made for us and may beautifully rely on ALLAH for the present and the future. This is the new beginning we all should look for as an individual, in the light of guidance from Al Mubdee.

Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator - human share

We are made by our Rab and we will be restored on the day when He opens all the accounts and makes decisions for all the disputes in the world. He is Al Mubdee the One and Only Originator of life every moment and the sustainer of life every second.

Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator - ALLAH originates and He repeats

Al Mu'id- The (Repeated) Creator


Al Muhsee - The (Detailed) Counting Authority