Al Mu'id- The (Repeated) Creator

Al Mu'id is the One who is all capable of repeating what He has created first time. It covers the meanings of the repeated creation of everything that the world contains. ALLAH continues the creation in every passing moment as we know the process of birth and new life is ongoing.

But the name of Al Mu'id is not limited to only that. The ongoing changes in already made creations are also included in it. The living creations on the earth are not static for they are growing every day and changing their appearances both physically and mentally. Especially true for humans, who think, decide, and get mature. Their brain powers by the blessings of ALLAH, can do wonders. Sometimes a single reminder and experience can change our lives altogether. The new thought processes, the new aspects of human creativity, and human changes itself with time are all repeated processes that ALLAH designs to revive and restore. How wonderful is all this? This is all done by our wonderful Rab Al Mu'id who repeats the creations as He wills.

So, ALLAH Al Mu’id is the One who made everything the first time, He is the One who can regenerate and recreate. This repeated creation of all the variety of life on the earth is what maintains life overall and maintains the human generations. He restores some of their characters and changes some others as He wills. The system of the life cycle is entirely dependent on the ongoing creations of ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

Another aspect of Al Mu'id is when He will restore the life on the day of Qiyamah after our death. From the particles of dust and bones, He will recreate our bodies and give them life. Think about the wonder of this process and say SubhanALLAH… Alhumdullilah. The only One who can do it is our Magnificent Rab Al Mu'id.

The Human share in this majestic name of ALLAH is to rely on Him for our revival and understand that He is capable of bringing out life from anything dead.

We get hurt by the struggles of life and sometimes by the unjust attitudes of fellow humans. We suffer from breakdown times. We feel that our hearts and emotions all died. Then ALLAH gives new life to our emotions and restores our strengths by giving us motivation in some new ways. He repeatedly blesses us with new energies and new changes to keep going in life. This revival of strength and emotions is also under the name of Al Mu'id. We just need to be firm that He is all capable of restoring and reviving so the darkness will go away and He will bring life back to us through His unlimited kindness.


Al Muhyi - The Life-Giving Authority


Al Mubdee - The (First Time) Originator