As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness - cover

As Shaheed is the One who is absolutely always present in our lives. He is with us to see our actions and He is "the fully authorised One" to witness it on the day of qiyamah. He may take witnesses from His trustworthy organs, objects, and people. Then He may detail His observations as a witness, as He was always present.

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness -explanation of name

Shaheed comes from the root word of ش ه د

It has a derivative of شهادة which (we all know) means declaration and acceptance by heart about ALLAH being our only Rab and Muhammadﷺ is His slave and messenger.

These beautiful words make us enter into the complete mindset & lifestyle of Islam which ALLAH has liked for us. Alhamdulillah.

Proceeding forward شهادة is actually seeing and witnessing something visible.

Shahid شاهد is the doer form on the pattern of فاعل and شهيد is its doer form in superlative degree. As-Shaheed is capable of doing it a lot, without limits.

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness - ayah - is this not enough for Rab to be witness everything

For a better understanding of As Shaheed, we need to understand the depth of ALLAH's presence in our lives and Be more aware of His presence everywhere and every time.

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness - ayah -ALLAH will decide everything between them at yaum ul qiyamah

ALLAH As Shaheed is having a universal witness to everything that is happening and existing. He can see what we do in the dark and the day. He has recorded evidence with His knowledge about every one of our actions. Moreover, He is the most "Just Witness" about whose justice there is no space of doubt.

Is this not enough for us to be cautious of our Rab?

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness- Ayah - ALLAH is sufficient witness

The human part of As Shaheed is to be a human of justice. For belonging to As Shaheed, we have to adopt a thought process based on justice. It is for every matter small or big in our lives. It is always important to take the "right" side. Don't forget our actions are all under a witness. So whenever in life we need to decide, do it with justice.

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness - Human share in this name

Our Ummah is called اُمةالوسطة ie " A balanced and just Ummah". The

Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ is a witness over the people as described in Quran and Ahadith. Are we just enough in our decisions? Are we ready for the day of justice for witnessing what ALLAH will ask us with all truth and honesty? Our truth and justice will be instantly judged as As-Shaheed knows the whole truth and He witnesses everything perfectly.

As Shaheed - The (Unlimited) Witness- ayah - ummatan wasatan

Al Haqq - The (Absolute) Truth


Al Ba'ith - The Raiser of the Dead