.اَللهُ لَآ إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ

.اَللهُ لَآ إِلٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنَىٰ

Ilm ul Asmaa

The Ilm of Names which Allah bestowed is the reason that made Adam (A.S) superior to Malaika (angels)

Let’s Learn more about our Loving and Nurturing Creator’s Names, with all our respect and love.


  • المقصد الأسنى في شرح معاني أسماء الله الحسنى

أبو حامد الغزالي

  • Explanation to the Beautiful and Perfect Names of ALLAH, Extracted from Taysir al Karim al Rahman

  • النور الأسنى في شرح أسماء الله الحُسْنَى

الشيخ أمين بن الحسن الأنصاري

  • فِقْهُ أسماء الحُسْنَى

عبدالرَّزاق بن عبدالمحسن البدر

Al Wadood - The Most Loving
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Al Wadood - The Most Loving

Al Wadood is our loving Rab Who is kindly loving to care for all our matters before even asking. Al Wadood is outstanding due to His kind expression of love.

Derived from the root of ودد it is a superlative doer form, coming from the word of Al Wudd الودّ which simply means affection with active expression by actions.

The Quran gives us a good insight into He loves the people of ihsaan who give better than what is required from them. He loves the people of tawakkal who look towards Him in all best and worst circumstances and remain attached to Him.

A peaceful heart in this world is not possible without understanding and loving ALLAH back. Once we understand His loving kindness towards ourselves, we can get that everything is from ALLAH, and life will get much easier.

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Al Hakeem - The All Wise
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Al Hakeem - The All Wise

Al Hakeem is the One Who has perfect wisdom. Perfection is defined here as combined with a perfect vision, knowledge, and authority. This combination is only true for ALLAH and is impossible in any other case.

ALLAH Al Hakeem saves and protects us often by His wisely organized system. He sent us His Hakeem Book to save us from losing our way in life.

Hikmah of humans is getting to know more and more about his Rab- Al Hakeem. The beginning of wisdom is fear of ALLAH. The consciousness of ALLAH begins with knowledge of what He likes and what He dislikes. This can be learned by heartily understanding the Hakeem Book of ALLAH and implementing it honestly.

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Al Wasay'- The Vastly Expansive
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Al Wasay'- The Vastly Expansive

ALLAH Al Wasay’ is the One Who carries widespread rahmah, knowledge, wisdom, a widespread kingdom, and a limitless power to perform whatever He wills.

He has Widespread possibilities and kindness to forgive us when we ask Him. He gives us limitless chances and space to be better. His presence and kingdom are widespread without any limits

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Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive
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Al Mujeeb - The All Responsive

Al Mujeeb is the One All Responsive and who has all authority to fulfil requests in response.

The only One suitable for this name is our loving and caring Rab Al Mujeeb who listens, responds, and accepts our prayers. He responds and creates all means to nourish us, protect us, and comfort us in every difficult situation lifelong.

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Ar Raqeeb - The (Keen) Observer
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Ar Raqeeb - The (Keen) Observer

Ar Raqeeb is the One who knows and protects.

He is watchfully observing every one of us.

He cares to the extent of never forgetting, never leaving alone, and observes with a constant and persistent gaze.

This name has an element of warning, to be fearful of ALLAH’s observation, and an element of good reminder that He never leaves us alone and is always there to protect and care.

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Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous
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Al Kareem - The (Absolute) Generous

Al Kareem is the One Who has plenty of goodness and noble will to give. Whose blessings do not finish but always remain. Whose value is always the most honorable and the most noble. Who forgives despite He has all the power. He fulfills all His promises and exceeds the limits of expectations when he gives. He is our Rab-Al Kareem - The Owner of the kingdom and the generosity.

The human quality of “Karm” i.e. generosity is a gift from ALLAH.

The characteristic that makes a human noble is humbleness toward other humans when he is in a position of power and giving.

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Al Jaleel - The Majestic
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Al Jaleel - The Majestic

ALLAH - Al Jaleel is the One Who has all the Majesty and most superior glory.

This Name of ALLAH has a meaning that combines the perfection of majesty and the perfection of beauty.

The absolutely stunning one is ALLAH alone—may He be praised and exalted—All the beauty, perfection, and attractiveness in the world come from the lights of His essence and the traces of His beauty.

Human share in this name is, understanding that the majesty of a true slave is in submitting and glorifying his Rab. The majestic and beautiful among men are those who can soothe the restless hearts of fellow humans with their softness of talk and honest beautiful character, for the pleasure of ALLAH.

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Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient
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Al Haseeb - The (Alone) Sufficient

Al Haseeb is the One who is sufficient alone to His creations. He is the only One who alone is enough for us to live our life.

If we think that we need food, drink, earth, sky, sun, or humans around us, to feel that we need something other than Him, or that He is not all that we need.

But He is the one who supplies all these things and even more whatever we need, by creating food and drink, heavens and earth, so actually He is all we need.

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Al Muqeet - The Nourisher
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Al Muqeet - The Nourisher

Al Muqeet is the One who nourishes every creature, provides the food for body sustenance, and provides the share of ilm as food for the soul. Al Muqeet is in a way similar to Ar Razzaq but rizq contains many provisions. The unique character of

Al Muqeet is that it is about nourishment-related

provision which includes food and knowledge.

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Al Hafeez - The All Preserver
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Al Hafeez - The All Preserver

Al Hafeez is the One who has all ability to maintain, preserve and protect. Either it is this whole universe or our life.

The first way is preserving by maintenance, ALLAH the most high is the preserver of the heavens and earth, the angels, the humans and all existing things.

The second way is preserving by safeguarding, ALLAH the most high is preserving by providing safety, from external harms & from internal harms

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Al Kabeer - The Grand
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Al Kabeer - The Grand

Al Kabeer is the One who possesses greatness [kibriya'],

Who is Grand. where greatness is in meaning of the perfection in existence.

ALLAH is having right to be believed as the greatest and most grand than anything else in the life. We have to be very clear about this that nothing in our life can be compared with His words, His love and His command. He is alone and only One on that place.

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Al Ali - The Most High
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Al Ali - The Most High

Al Ali is One who is The Most High, highest in all attributes and highest in all the heights. Al Ali is the name of ALLAH that is often used in Quran with name Al Kabeer (The Grand) and Al Azeem (The Greatest). The only One suitable to be said ‘The Absolutely High’ is ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala as all others can be compared with each other somehow but He is the Absolute single Creator of everything that exist.

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As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative
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As Shakoor - The (Truly) Appreciative

As Shakoor is the One truly rewarding the deserved reward and even more from His endless bounties. This name has parts of appreciating, praising and rewarding.

As Shakoor is the one who rewards the action of a few good deeds many-fold, and in response to the good actions of a few days, He gives limitless happiness in the life to come.

Human share in this name is being thankful to ALLAH and the fellow humans who do good with us.

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Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving
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Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving

Al Ghafoor is the one who forgives and covers our sins, mistakes, errors, disobedience in His kind and limitless covering of forgiveness.

ALLAH Al Ghafoor is the One who gives the best of forgiveness who not only forgives but delete our sins on our returning to Him. He not only deletes but He replaces them with the good deeds when He deletes them from our register of deeds. SubhanALLAH

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Al Azeem - The (Absolutely) Tremendous
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Al Azeem - The (Absolutely) Tremendous

Al Azeem is the One who is the ultimate Great among the all existence.

ALLAH is the greatest without any proportions, He is great in every aspect say it is power, wisdom or knowledge or name any quality we know in the world, the absolute greatness and perfection lies in Him only.

ALLAH is owner of great throne and He is the only One who deserve every praise and all the trust.

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Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing
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Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing

Al Haleem is the Forbearing, the Tolerant and the Mild.

He is One who is kindly tolerant for all His creatures, how much ever bad they do, He never disown them or stop bearing with them. It is His nature to decide with a wise plan and in that His kindness always overshadows His anger.

Al Haleem is totally aware of the disobedience, rebellious actions and the opposition to His commands, yet anger does not cause Him away from His perfectly controlled plans, neither does he hate anyone at immediate action, nor He rush to take revenge, although He is fully capable of doing that.

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Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware
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Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware

Al Khabeer -is the One Who is fully aware of whatever is hidden in the heavens and on the earth and in between them.

The knowledge (ilm) related to hidden secrets is called 'awareness' (khibra) and the One who possesses it is: 'He who is all aware of everything’, is Al Khabeer.

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Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle
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Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle

Al Lateef is the One who is kind and soft on His ibad.

He is subtle, He is keen for His creatures to know and take care for even their smallest of needs and listen to even tiny of wishes. Indeed, our loving Rab is Al Lateef.

The meaning of 'Al Lateef' combines gentleness in action with a delicacy of perception. Such perfection in knowledge and action is not possible in anyone except in ALLAH.(the praised and exalted)

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Al Adl - The Just
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Al Adl - The Just

Al Adl is the One who is“The Just” and He is from whom all just actions originated.

He created all the existing things, the physical and the spiritual in justified manner, without any disorders and also kept them in a placement suitable to them.

Than there is the justice which He makes through His orders among all and that balance of justice which He will establish on the day of judgment, all will be done under the authority of “Al Adl”

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Al Hakam - The (Decreeing) Judge
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Al Hakam - The (Decreeing) Judge

Al Hakam is “The Judge” who has the authority in His whole world to give His Decrees and Decisions

We all have to accept His decisions, in this way happily or the other way being unhappy, but there is no refuge from His decisions, except the refuge in His own Mercy.

Al-Hakam is the precise decision maker, the absolutely just Judge Whose decision none can negotiate, nor can appeal His decree except by praying to His Majesty.

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