Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware - Cover.png

Al Khabeer is the One who knows all the secrets. ALLAH Al Khabeer is knowing all from inside the core and downside the depth. Whatever wherever is hidden in His kingdom, He knows.

He does not need any secondary ways, observers and tools for this awareness but as He has made everything and He is aware of every tiny of the change which happens, He is fully aware of everything without any limitations.

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware - explanation of name

Again it includes material objects which are hidden, both living and nonliving, as well as the non material ones like our thoughts, our intention and our unsaid plans. Who knows them all is Al Khabeer.

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware ayat no 1 , ala yaalamu man khalaq wa hoa lateef un khabeer

So, How about being the most important creature of this whole system made by Al Khabeer. Do we think He will let us be in vain and without any purpose.

When we waste our time in unrewarding matters which adds nothing in life for us and for others, He knows us for not fulfilling our duties as human beings.

What if we do more worse and do something which harms the harmony and peace of universe. It can be harm to material object or harm to the emotional and physical wellness of another person. Not only about humans but for any living creature’s harm. Do we think no one is aware of us doing that action?

We can hide things from human authorities but the authority of Al Khabeer misses nothing. Not a tiny thing as much as a mustard seed or even lesser will be left unnoticed by ALLAH. (Surah Al Luqman) We will see each one of our action in our accounts book one day and have to bring a reasonable answer for that too.

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware ayat no 2 , hoa qaahir un fauqa ibaadi wa hoa al hakeem al khabeer

Moreover we think that we don’t leave any errors behind what we did, we have hidden all signs and covered all evidence. Al Khabeer does not need all this. He knows us from inside to outside. He is enough witness to every action we do and intentions we carry deeper down in our hearts. He is all aware, enough to see all that done.

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware ayat no3, kafa bi rabbika bi zunoobi ibadihi khabeeran baseera

Human share of this name is interesting and important to learn. It is about awareness of al Khabeer which is obvious but other side is the awareness of our own self, our own soul and our own heart. Self awareness is the route to go for ALLAH’s awareness. We often are not aware of our own selves. Let us ask ourselves in regard of knowing this beautiful name that who are we? Not the profession, not our name, not our family name, not our surname’s pride, not our power in our circle, not our achieved designations, not our beautiful body and smart looks, not all these shallow and temporary covers, which hide our true self inside them and engulf our identity.

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware - human share in this name al Khabeer

Being a true servant of Al Khabeer, let us introduce ourselves today from our inner human, who is no one but an ibad of Ar Rahman, who belongs only to ALLAH. Our Soul which is ALLAH’s Noor. Next question is to assess are we doing justice to our inner human self, or just forgot it somewhere on the way in the run of life. We are sent to this world to obey ALLAH and get back to our destination near to ALLAH.

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware - ayah for the human part of Al Khabeer, wa atee'ul ALLAHo wa Rasooluhu wallah hu khabeerun bima taalamuna

When we belong to ALLAH Al Khabeer who is all aware and our focus destination is near to Him, let us choose our actions to keep Him happy. We have to bring our life to a point where we are not worried that ALLAH is all aware of us as we are trying our best to do according to what He said us to do. Good to remind us that too, perfection is not a demand from ALLAH but the pure intention efforts only.


Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing


Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle