Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle - cover

Al Lateef is the One Who is accurately aware, kindly caring and perfectly helpful at every moment without being physically seen doing all this.

The meaning of 'Al Lateef' combines gentleness in action with a delicacy of perception. Such perfection in knowledge and action is not possible for anyone except ALLAH. (may He be praised and exalted)

The presence of Al Lateef is “Soft”, He is so very kind to provide and so very keen to listen our all silent prayers. He is present everywhere to witness every sorrow and tear. He is available for His creatures for every matter say it big or small.

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle - explanation of name

He is the One who provide the baby, proper nutrition inside the mother through a system of feeding tubes. No feeding system in the world beats His perfection for making this function inside the umbilical cord. That is available for every baby without any differentiation or demand, simply out of His loving care and kindness being Al Lateef.

The production of pure delicious milk out of digested food and blood in cows, as well as the production of precious gems from hard stone, making of honey from the tiny creatures like bees, silk from the worm, and pearls from the oyster—are all part of His being Al Lateef.

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle -ayat Allahu lateefun bi ibadihi

Moreover He does every kind act with lots of accuracy and sensitivity, without He being physically seen. This is something which has to be felt deeper. He does not asked for any price or does not asked for anything in return. What He advised, by us being thankful and obedient, is actually not benefitting Him in anyway but it is again for our own peace and wellness in this life and the life after it. Al Lateef is so kind that He does everything in our best interest without demanding any return and return is even not even possible.

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle ayah

Another side of this beautiful name of ALLAH is about His power to noticing and knowing each and every moment of our life. No one else how much be nearer to us, can do that for sure. We often don’t realise this power of ALLAH and most of us do not ask ALLAH for small things, although we should. Our Rab is there for all of our need and there is no limit of asking, no shame in asking more, there is no tiredness involved at other side, nor it is any hard for our Rab to fulfill our continuous demands.

He said Himself that He likes us when we ask and ask with all focus to Him. Why don’t we ask Him to make easy our daily small small tasks which make us tired. He can definitely make them easy for us. Why don’t we ask Him to make our stressful and compact routines easier, may be by giving us barakah in our time. Time will remain the same but He can make it more than enough for us.

On other hand, many of us do bad actions like sometimes shouting at parents and sometimes telling small lies to our kids, not realising the gravity and feeling of being noticed. Al Lateef has accurate record of every word and even of our thoughts & intentions. We should always remember and acknowledge this when we act good or bad.

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle - surah luqman ayah - if the wrong is as small as mustard seed ALLAH will bring it

The Human share in this name is be conscious about the presence of Al Lateef and to make a sound relation with Him and His presence. Before doing any bad from our hands we must have a thought that He is present watching at me. While getting any small or big difficulty in life, be reassured that Al Lateef is with me, He will surely take care.

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle - human share in this name

The other side of this share is about taking good care of our fellow creatures and servants of ALLAH around us. Many humans are a test for us from ALLAH and for many we are made a test. We can just try our best to be more beneficial for all servants of ALLAH. We should always try not to be a source of distress and difficulty for anyone. Being a servant of Al Lateef, follow His choice of Rahmah which is always predominant over His anger. We should be also kind to everyone, just for being related to Him closely.

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle - does He not know who has created

Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware


Al Adl - The Just