Al Adl - The Just

Al Adl - The Just - cover

ALLAH Al Adl is the One who does all what He does, justly.

He made everything and He made everything with a perfect balance. He decides everything and His decisions either we understand at the time or not, but there will be one day when we see justice and balance in each and every one of His decisions. He does each affair with such a just way which makes Him Al Adl.

Al Adl - The Just - explanation of name

This Name of ALLAH has many different dimensions. The whole system of ALLAH and His creation is based on this quality of ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala. Without going any far if we see to our own bodies, how balanced and justified is everything which is placed. How ALLAH has kept beauty and function both in balance. The whole created universe of ALLAH and whatever is in it which only He knows, is a miracle of balance and justice. SubhanALLAH.

Al Adl - The Just - ayat he made you in balance

For that ALLAH challenges everyone in Surah al Mulk that you see at the sky and look for any fault or hole it has, if you see again and again you cannot find any and the sight will come back to you unsuccessful in despair.

Seeing beauty in every balanced creature as well as in every order of ALLAH is the quality of people who loves Him and who well understand His value. It’s not necessary that they understand every hikmah and every justice in His all actions, but only understanding His valuable decisions and His love for each one of His creation is enough. This faith makes life so much easier. This is the true colour of ibaad of ar Rahman.

Al Adl - The Just - ayat ALLAH kalimat will be fulfilled

If we think ourselves as one who is related to that Rab - Al Adl Who does everything with a beautiful justice, we will automatically find ourselves doing the same. The human share in this name is also having many dimensions.

Al Adl - The Just- human share in name Al Adl

The life of human beings are better with balance. Problems appear when we leave the way of balance and do unjust. Unjust is not understanding the faith in this name and cursing the fate on every difficulty. Unjust is to look others for the fulfillment of needs in the way only suitable for ALLAH. Unjust is, when we waste our time in fruitless affairs of life which does not benefit ourselves or the other human beings. Unjust is when we don’t value our blessings and precious relations ALLAH has given us. Unjust is when we do undue favours on someone in comparison to someone else without the right. Shortly, everything which is wrong and feels non-right to our heart, is unjust and we don’t have to do that, as we belongs to Al Adl - The most Just one.

Al Adl - The Just - ayat ALLAH orders for Adl and Ihsaan

ALLAH talks us about something even more than just, which is ihsaan, which is actually giving every work and everyone little more than what is justified for that, why? just to make ourselves well deserved for ALLAH’s greatest Rahmah. As ALLAH loves the people of justice and even more the people of ihsaan.

Lastly, when we have a position of making decisions and settlements between other people, always remember that we belong to Al Adl. Justice is the minimum good thing always expected from us. For this relation, each one of us try to make ownself a symbol of balance and justice in the life, if we want to see ourselves in good books of ALLAH.

Al Adl - The Just - ayat make settlement with balance and justice

Al Lateef - The (Most) Subtle


Al Hakam - The (Decreeing) Judge