Al Hakam - The (Decreeing) Judge

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge - cover page

Al Hakam is the decision making judge and the one Who does fulfilling justice with all matters, Whose ruling no-one can overturns or delay or refuse. His decrees no-one can challenge. He does decisions without any limitations or sharing as He is Al Hakam.

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge- explanation of name

ALLAH Al Hakam has a perfect system of justice in His world. He created everything working together is a harmony in perfect manner, over His decree.

He made the day and night, the light and the darkness, the earth, sun, moon, stars and the universe around it all working accurately according to His decree. He orders everything what He wants and the smallest to the largest things of world act according to His majestic orders.

Human beings are given the ability to think and understand. Successful are the people who understand that “the decision is only belonging to ALLAH”. Even for the matters we decide, the final thing is from ALLAH. In the human hand is only given the effort which will be seen. The destination of every human being will be decided according to the efforts he did in his life.

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge - ayat do i seek judge other thab ALLAH He gave us a detailed book

Moreover, it does not matter that human believes, belongs to ALLAH or else. The decrees from ALLAH will be equally valid for all creatures including all humans. The matters which remains conflicting between the people in this world, will get a sound decision from ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala on day of Qiyamah. Lucky are the people who are able to see the justice and hikmah in ALLAH’s decisions, with no matters of conflicts but surrender in front of Al Hakam - The Decreeing Authority.

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge - Ayat ALLAH will decide all affairs on yaum al qiyamah.

The human share in this name of ALLAH is really important to help understand our lives. ALLAH has given us the ability to judge out of His perfect judging authorities. We as humans are blessed with this capacity which again comes with responsibility like every blessing.

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge - human share

It is important about this share that man learns: what is decreed, exists and not changeable and that the anxiety is just useless about matters which are already decided by Al Hakam. This is said that anxiety is natural, it is, but making that the centre of life and stop struggling to move ahead, this does not going to work and it is just the waste of our precious time. The time given to us is limited and that should be valued, so that we can work well towards our real destination.

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge - hadith for human share no 1 that is no one can do anything except what ALLAH has written

Secondly when we get the authority to decide, either for ourselves or the others around, we should not forget we are the assistant of ALLAH in this world. So, we are always required to implement what He advised and explained to us. Decide according to the ALLAH’s book and seek direct guidance from ALLAH in all matters of life.

Al Hakam - The decreeing judge- ayat if you decide among people decide with adl

Al Adl - The Just


Al Baseer - The All Seeing