Al Baseer - The All Seeing

Al Baseer - The All Seeing - Cover page

ALLAH - Al Baseer is able to see clearly everyone, everywhere without any limitations. This quality makes Him in position of accurately supervising, able to do perfect justice, able to help in need who He wills and able to be a guardian with all of us at all time. SubhanALLAH.

Al Baseer - The All Seeing - explanation of name

If we just try to imagine the extent of His vision, it is out of the human brain though. He is able to see without any need of light, without any restrictions with darkness. He is able to see the tiny tiny creatures He created in this world, tiniest of the seeds goes in the earth. He can see everything not only in this world but in the skies and whole universe. He can see what is hidden in every heart, what is written in every brain. He can see our intention without been done and He can see the actions which we do alone thinking that no one is seeing us, we need to think again for our this thinking indeed.

Al Baseer - The All Seeing - Ayat He is with you wherever you are. hoa maakum aena ma kuntum

With all this seeing powers of Al Baseer, definitely we need to be mindful about whatever we do. But also we should be thankful for this perfect companion الرفيق الاعلٰی at all times Who is with us in all circumstances, Who is our Guardian and our Loving Rab. Wherever and whoever we are, we are in His perfect vision. Alhamdulillah.

Al Baseer - The All Seeing - ayat , I dispose my affair with ALLAH, He is seeing His servant. ufawizo amri ilALLAH

ALLAH subhanahu taala blessed us with the power of vision. Our vision is very limited and only a small share of His unlimited vision but it is such a great blessing. If we don’t realise the importance, just to close our eyes for a moment and feel how are things without vision. As all the blessings come with responsibilities, so as this too. We need to value it all the time.

Al Baseer - The All Seeing - human share

We are supposed to use our blessed ability of seeing wisely. Wise use is to use it in works of ALLAH, to read and get skills in words of ALLAH, in the works which takes us near to Him. Also to see His signs, understand His wonders.

Blind eyes are not similar to blind hearts, the vision from Al Baseer is for enlightening our eyes of heart which can get the words of ALLAH and take the honour of obeying Him. Understanding the truth of life and look the supreme wisdom of our Rab in everything.

Al Baseer - The All Seeing - ayat for human share, blind and seeing one are not the same. wa ma yastawi ae'ma wal baseer

Al Hakam - The (Decreeing) Judge


As Samee’ - The All Hearing