As Samee’ - The All Hearing

As Samee' - The All Hearing - cover page

ALLAH As Samee’ is having “The Power Hearing” which no one else can. He has amazing capacity to listen all tongues, all hearts, all brains. Not only that is limited to the humans but each and every creature small and big in this universe, He listens their tasbeeh, He listens their needs and provide them.

He has all the ability to listen each and every word which is talked in this earth and in the heavens, equally and all effectively.

As Samee' - The All Hearing - explanation of name

ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala has distinguished His hearing capacity and specifically mentioned it. He mentioned that He can hear the evil plots being made secretly in darkness of night. He can hear when people arrogantly reject His teachings and ignorantly says false words about Him and messengers.

He is all capable to hear the voices of hearts. The words which are never been spoken, He can listen them. The plans which never been known to other and acted upon either good or bad, He even heard them. This is how ALLAH rewards the good intentions for us.

As-Samee’ - The All Hearing - ayat 1 - prophet said may Rab knows everything which is said

So, what’s so special about the hearing of ALLAH. Point of concern is, we never truly estimated the power and extent of His hearing. Many time we use bad words, rude statements, false declaration and promises. Sometimes knowingly we keep evil intentions against other fellows, without even thinking that SomeONE is hearing it very clearly. There is no interval break or low time in His hearing at any minute of day and night. Why we are not conscious about this faultless hearing?

As Samee' - The All Hearing - ayat no 2 - sawab of dunya and aakhirah is with ALLAH

ALLAH As Samee’ has all the ability to listen the cries, complaints and prayers of each and every one of us. He can listen our silent tears. He can listen our faithful kind gestures which no one else can even notice. Our kind Rab As Samee’ never allows to waste any good word which we speak but He rewards everything with ihsaan. Either a good talk, a good suggestion or words of sympathy, words of kindness.

He listens our tasbeeh and when we glorify Him, as we say in every prayers after standing up from bowing Sami’a Allahu li man hamidah, ALLAH heard (favourably) who praised Him.

As Samee' - The All Hearing - human share in this name as Samee

Best use of the gift brings rewarding happiness to the one who gifted it. Likewise this precious blessing of hearing which ALLAH gifted us, should be used wisely. The best use is, try to listen all good. Try our best to use it to increase our knowledge for words of ALLAH. As Quran is a speech, the best way to get it, is by hearing.

ALLAH As Samee’ has given us power to hear, Alhamdulillah. Let’s make the best use of this share and be cautious to use it in just time pass affairs. It is a good time to think about how we are using our share of hearing from As Samee’ and how we can improve the use now onwards.

As Samee' - The All Hearing - Human share ayat - He (ALLAH) made for you blessings (hearing, vision, intellect) so that you will be thankful.png

Al Baseer - The All Seeing


Al Mudhill - The Humbling Authority