Al Mudhill - The Humbling Authority

ALLAH - Al Mudhill is the One who has all the authority and power to make His slaves humble when and how He wills.

He is the only One owner of all the Honour and has full control on every dishonour.

When people or nations go against His advices, forget Him, ignore His signs and warnings, be away from His book, they make themselves deserve for dishonour in this world and in the next one.

The human humiliation is always paired with a distance he has from his Rab. Till the time the human being connected to ALLAH and His book, he gets the peace and ease of heart wherever and whoever he is in how much ever difficult ways. When human does not look at that support he seek support from worldly things like the money and related powers. His journey of humiliation starts from that point, which can be prevented only by returning to ALLAH.

It looks like at a shallow look, that money comes with honour. Societies from the beginning till now kept on deceiving themselves with this concept. Honour relates to only ALLAH alone. He can give it with money or without money, it’s totally His will.

The false fantasy - honour of money comes along with greed and comparisons. This is a cycle of dissatisfaction which continues till grave and lead to disgrace of next life. The desires which deceives us never end and they never fulfill. May ALLAH save all of us from this cycle of humiliation. (aameen)

The human share of this name is very important to understand. Each Muslim has to keep in mind that ALLAH is “Just” and He does not has side with any specific nation. Whoever work hard for honour will get it, in this world or after this world. Whoever works towards dishonour and ignore ALLAH’s book, His guidance and leave His obedience will be destroyed with humiliation, without any differences.

Honour for us Muslims is only in ALLAH’s book and in His obedience. Either it’s related to the matters of this world or matter of religion. We need to balance both in the light of ALLAH’s guidance and be moderate in both of them.

Our core focus should not be shifted from ALLAH and His approval, whatever we do. If we want the honour in this life and the next life, this is the only way going to safe us from the humiliation from Al Mudhill.

Al Mudhill is the One who can lower us whenever He wills but He is our Raheem and Rahman Rab, He gives us lots of chances, lots of warning before deciding worse result for us. May ALLAH makes us one who understand His commands and warning, so we may able to take His straight path going towards the honour of both lives.


As Samee’ - The All Hearing


Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority