Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority - main cover

ALLAH Al Muizz is the owner, the One and Alone distributor to the honour. ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala does not authorize anyone to give, take, increase or decrease own or anyone else’s honour. This is one of the biggest favour of ALLAH to all humans indeed.

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority- explanation of name

Honour include every superiority. Many times we feel people around us can give us honour. This is just a confusion of human hearts. Human can give respect to each other and that’s it.

Today when we are reading this name, we should remind and re-assure our hearts, we don’t have to look with expectations to any human to increase our honour, neither we have to look with fear that they may decrease our honour. This authority lies only in strong grip of ALLAH - Al Muizz.

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority - ayat all honour belongs to ALLAH, don't be sad

What more about Al Muizz is the reason of getting honour. It’s all about ALLAH’s will and about His hikmah. We don’t have often that vision to understand why we or someone is given honour. Understanding this may not be important but only when we feel we should increase our ranks by doing more good, the knowledge of reasons may look motivating. But general rule is “it all depends on ALLAH’s will”.

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority - ALLAH give honour to whoever He wills

Having said that ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala promised honour of this world and the next world, for believers who are honest, loyal and sacrificing for ALLAH. The people who look for ALLAH’s superiority and His will in everything they do.

The Human part in this name is two fold. First is working hard towards getting honour from Al Muizz and the second is to give respect to each and everyone, for the sake of ALLAH, just by thinking that ALLAH has honoured every human being as child of Adam (as), starting right from our father Prophet Adam alahais salat o wassalm.

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority- human part 1

The people who live by this beautiful name of ALLAH, they value the honour given to them by Al Muizz. How? By proving them well deserved for this honour. How? By understanding that reason of respect (ilm) given to us as human, ie: the power of brain, power of thought, blessing of ability to think deeply, for giving our best efforts to raise ALLAH’s name and ALLAH’s book wherever is our reach.

The only honour which we know we can definitely get is attaching ourselves dearly to ALLAH, ALLAH’s book and by working better for His people just for the sake of His love.

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority - human part 2, ayat whoever likes the honour so honour is all with ALLAH

Al Mudhill - The Humbling Authority


Ar Rafay' - The Raising Authority