Ar Rafay' - The Raising Authority

Ar Rafay is the one who has all the authority to raise His slaves. He is the Only power to do this in honor and value.

Al Rafay - The Raising Authority - cover

Ar Rafay is all capable of raising in ranks say it is in affairs of ibadah, ilm or profession or wealth, each and every rise is in the hands of Ar Rafay’.

Al Rafay- The Raising Authority - explanation of name

He is the owner of every rise and every honor we get. He is the power behind the rise of hearts in eeman and motivation to do good deeds too. That simply means that Ar Rafay’ is the One behind the factors which lead us to rise as well.

Al Rafay- The Raising Authority - ALLAH is highest one

Who has this authority must Himself be the Highest One. His Zikr is Higher than everything else, His Book is better than whatever all we collect.

Let’s have a look at what all is risen in this world by the orders of Ar Rafay’.

•Al Rafay• the raising authority ayah - ALLAH is holding high skies without pillar

Our Rab tests us by giving higher designations and higher talents to see if we work well with them or misuse them.

The best use of talents is for making His message higher up, reaching out to others with His message of peace and love in the world, and making us useful to the maximum for fellow humans around us in our best capacities.

Al Rafay- The Raising Authority - ALLAH test by giving high ranks

When we do zikr of ALLAH in our homes, in masjid, or wherever we are, the noor bestowed by ALLAH comes to us more and more. This noor is the guide for every Muslim to move forward and stay rightly focused in life and help rise to the level ALLAH has written for us.

Al Rafay- The Raising Authority - human share- exalt ALLAH

ALLAH - Our High and Exalted Rab, raised the Zikr of His Rasul Muhammad ﷺ so, we also have to make it a higher importance in our daily routines and remember our beloved Prophet ﷺ for salat o salam and his teachings as a guiding role in everything we do.

Al Rafay- The Raising Authority - raised the zikr of Muhammad saww

Al Muizz - The Honouring Authority


Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority