Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority - cover

Al Khafid is the name of ALLAH having a unique combination of His authority and yet the touch of care and love He has for all His ibaad. It does not have a meaning of disgrace in it, it is about, humbling down the servants for any of one reason from ALLAH’s hikmah. Ibaad ur Rahman are tested through the lowering and raising times in lives. The true believers are those who trust and obey ALLAH in all times.

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority name explanation

The authority of ALLAH over the world and everything in it, is evident in this name. He has the power to lower down anyone. So when we are in the testing time by lowering, it’s good to humble ourselves in front of ALLAH and ask help, ask forgiveness. All mankind is sinner but the best of sinners are those who repents and goes back again and again to ALLAH. Also it’s good to audit and review our works, to find out the lesson ALLAH wants us to learn from it. Take this low time to improve for positive motivation ahead.

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority - reasons of lowering human beings from ALLAH's hikmah explained by examples

ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala gives us a glance of day of judgement and said that on that day some people will be lowered down ( because of their deeds ) by the decision of Al Khafid and others will be raised in ranks. May ALLAH make us from the successful ones on that day. aameen.

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority - qiyamat ayah of surat ul waqiya, the lowering and the raising day

Life is a combination of cycles of low and high in many aspects. ALLAH Al Khafid has designed this whole journey to decide who is competent enough to reach the destination in a good position. So these phases of life are tests which can make us near to ultimate success if we perform well with tolerance and obedience.

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority - ayah of changing conditions of life cycle

The Human share of this name is about making us humble in front of ALLAH. On other hand the name of Al Khafid reminds us to be kind, approachable and soft with our fellows. Every person is a leader in his / her own capacity. ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala needs us to do more compassionate dealings in life.

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority - human share in this name ayah 1 -the advise of ALLAH to Prophet Muhammad saww to be soft on believers

Also to give a more attentive kindness to the parents, who deserve our lowering down in front of them for the sake of love and for the sake of ALLAH’s obedience.

Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority - human share in this name ayah 2 - advise of ALLAH to all human beings to lower them down in front of their parents

If we make a relation of kindness, compassion and care with our parents and after them generally with all living fellows around us, than we have a life by the name of Al Khafid and insha ALLAH will get a rise in ranks at our result day.


Ar Rafay' - The Raising Authority


Al Basit - The Extender (of Abundance)