Al Basit - The Extender (of Abundance)

Al Basit has the authority to extend everything from His unlimited stocks according to His will.

Basit is the faa’il (doer) of Bast which means unfolding and spreading at it full measurement of something at ground, like a carpet. Al Basit is the one who spreads the cover of His Rahmah all over the world. He is the one who gives trial to restrict the hearts and than relief them by his expanding powers.

Al Basit has countless resources with Him, some He extends to us without asking or without even noticing, others He wait for our efforts and prayers to get His fixed level and than He bestow them on us. Alhamdulillah, our Rab is the merciful provider of all provisions, He is the only One “ Al Basit”

He is the One who unfolds the secrets of life in front of us, when and how he wills. Al Basit is who extends the capacity in our brain to get more and more ilm. Like the rain He extends His ilm for us to get whatever little we can get from the limitless abundance of His knowledge, by our efforts.

He is the one who expands the place in our hearts to get more and more Love of ALLAH, the love for Eemaan and good deeds to reach our Rab in a better state. He is the expander of our hearts for emotions, mercy and for the tolerance, both for life and for the people we have in life.

With this lovely Dua of Our Rasul ﷺ, Let’s have a look on the human share of this name. Al Basit has the quality of extending and unfolding. The humans who live by these qualities are meant for extending good deeds, mercy and ilm to the other fellow humans.

So in short, whatever the blessings ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala extends towards our way, we should not try to stop it all for ourselves, as Al Basit’s extension of blessings increases when we extend them to the fellows. ALLAH says to us in Quran to be moderate in giving, not to go at any extreme and than ALLAH will extends the blessings to us more and more.

Life is a cycle of expansion and restriction, like we see the cycles of day and night, light and darkness, happiness and sorrow, success and failure and also more rizq and limited rizq, life has the variety of times and this cycles goes on, with the combination of these two controls from ALLAH as Al Qabid ( The gripping/ folding One ) and Al Basit ( The extending/ unfolding One ).


Al Khafid - The Lowering Authority


Al Qabid - The Gripping Authority