Al Qabid - The Gripping Authority

Al Qabid is the only One who has all the authority to grip. This word is the Faa’el (doer) form of Qabd (Qabz) which means ‘to hold’ and ‘to grip’ with a sense of authority and strength. He grips our hearts with His unmatched majesty, He has an absolute grip on everything and has authority to limit the rizq of whoever He plans and allow it again when He likes, He, Al Qabid is the One who grips our lives when we die.

He is Al Qabid who has made everything in a cycle of gripping and than let it go. These cycles of holding and releasing goes on in life around and within us by His order and by His created system.

The best example is of heart which holds and than release blood, this cycle is the life, also other example of daylight which Al Qabid grips every evening and give back every morning, what a perfect system created and maintained by our Rab - Al Qabid.

Yet another one is easy and difficult phases in life, sometimes He grips happiness from our heart and after that He releases it for us. He is the one who make us laugh and make us cry. Every hold exists is in His gripping authority without any control of anyone else.

ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala will holds whole universe in His grip at the day of Qiyamah, as He picturized in this beautiful Ayah of Quran, it gives us an estimate of His supreme grip.

ALLAH is the only one who has absolute hold on creatures’ provisions, how small or big they are, all are dependant on ALLAH for His daily things and ALLAH never stop giving them, He gives and keep on giving, He is so Raheem and Kareem that if even He withhold something, that also having a hikmah and reason behind it, and then He Himself can only release it by His decision and His timings.

The human share in this name Al Qabid is in, holding our hearts straight and strong while we get in a hard phase, not only that but also, holding every heart with love and care, be kind to people around us who have difficult times and essentially to everyone as how do we know in which phase they are. We don’t have to judge others, the grip is from ALLAH and only from Him. This reality greatly humbles our hearts.

Making space and making it easy for everyone to our own possible extent is the base of living by the name of Al Qabid.

Al Qabid -human share

Al Basit - The Extender (of Abundance)


Al Aleem - The All Knowing