Al Aleem - The All Knowing

Al Aleem - the all knowing cover

ALLAH Al Aleem is the One who knows all.

He knows the universe, He knows the whole earth and all skies and whatever is in between them.

He knows the depth of our hearts, and what we think and hide from everyone else, He knows also what we intend to do in the future even.

He knows what is in front and what is behind us. Very truly, He asked us in Surat ul Mulk “ Does He not know who created”, so simply, He created everything and He knows the best of everything.

Al Aleem - The all Knowing- explanation how ALLAH's ilm is different

This beautiful name of ALLAH is used in the Quran very frequently. The ilm of ALLAH is different from all others, as no one knows better than the One who created. Also the Ilm without limitations only and only belongs to Him.

The accuracy and fineness of this ilm is to the extent that He knows every seed which goes inside the earth, every leaf which falls from the tree, every child (not human child only but the animals and all the creatures small or big on the earth and skies) which is conceived by the mother or otherwise, born or died unborn, everyone He knows individually. He is the owner and only One knowing about the unseen part of universe.

Al Aleem - The all Knowing - ayat - ALLAH knows if even a leaf falls

The truth is that the human brain does not really reach accuracy and it is a minute-level extension of ALLAH’s knowledge. If only we think about it, we stop doing any bad with ourselves and with others, knowing that ALLAH is aware of us clearly in the dark and in the light, He knows what exactly we are up to, we cannot ever deceive him.

Al Aleem - The all Knowing ayat ALLAH known all and teaches us

Al Aleem is not only the One who knows but He is the origin of all and all the knowledge exists in the world. Name any one of the subjects and its branches, all the knowledge that we see in the world, all sciences, all arts, all calculations, and all technologies, every ilm has a single origin and that is Al Aleem.


Al Aleem - The all Knowing the human share 1 - explanation of share in this name

Knowledge is one of the best gifts ALLAH bestows on human hearts. The human-level knowledge is different from Al Aleem’s knowledge in many clear ways. It has limits and variable accuracy.

No human can seek and get any knowledge except what ALLAH has written for him. The divisions of ALLAH are accurate. So, we really need to value this gift, which is ours, very individually and selectively. The ilm we have in any aspect of life does not come to us randomly, it does not happen by chance, choice, or just by our efforts, it is what is written and blessed upon us by the Rahmah of Al Aleem.

Al Aleem - The all Knowing the human share 2

Let’s ask our Rab Al Aleem for this superior Gift.

يَاربِّ زِدْنِي عِلْماً “O Rab ! Increase me in ilm”


Al Qabid - The Gripping Authority


Al Fattah - The Opener