Al Fattah - The Opener

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ALLAH -Al Fatah is the one who makes clear decisions, openly. He opens up the doors of success in both lives. He opens up the darkness of sorrow, sins, and difficulties towards the light of peace, guidance, and ease. He is the ultimate opener to all the goodness that exists.

al Fattah - The Opener - Explanation of the name

Once ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala opens something for someone, that goodness cannot be blocked by any means, ALLAH does what He wills to do. No power on the face of the earth can undo or stop His orders to come true.

Al Fattah explanation of name by ayat , if ALLAH opens by His rahmah no one can block that

Humans are required to trust in the truth of His promises and perfect justice of His decisions in all circumstances.

Whatever life brings, accepting it and going through it with courage is the essence of trusting the decisions of Al Fattah. He will surely open the doors for everyone who looks towards Him for help and rely on Him for everything.

Al Fattah- ALLAH is the ultimate decision maker with truth

ALLAH has all the knowledge and power, He knows the unseen and unknown, hidden from all the eyes. The ilm & opening powers to unseen only are with Him.

al Fattah - The Opener - ALLAH is the ultimate One who have the opening and ilm of unseen and unknown

The human part of Al Fattah is about the opening. Whatever power, ilm, and talents ALLAH has blessed upon us, we need to open them, means to use them for the benefit of everyone, without differences. This we do for the face of ALLAH - Al Fattah and for no other reason except Him.

Al Fattah- The Opener - human share for this name

As Al Fattah is available to every caller at all times, a human shareholder in the name of Al Fattah needs to put the effort to keep his altitude softer, so that anyone in need can reach him, can ask him for help. He should seek to be the first human support available for fellow humans around him. From him, the fellows should always get ease and not hardship.

Al Fattah- The Opener - human share to this beautiful name for adoption

Al Aleem - The All Knowing


Ar Razzaq - The Provider