Ar Razzaq - The Provider

Al Razzaq - The Provider -cover page.

ALLAH Ar Razzaq is our loving Rab who provides us with all the provisions to use without any demands to give back or give rent. He is the one Who nourishes us with a variety of delicious foods and nourishes our souls with the ilm. His rizq is never-ending as He said in the Quran that the rizq of your Rab is the best and never out of stock.

Al Razzaq - The Provider - explanation of name

Ar Razzaq is the one Who has all types of authority and power at the rizq, there is no partner of authority in this matter. The humans who ask and fear other humans due to their provision will be lesser or more, they are just having a false concept or weaker faith. We need to see only Ar Razzaq about all of our needs, bigger or smaller, and work hard for them with belief in our loving Rab who provides.

Al Razzaq - The Provider - ayat huwa razzaq zul quwwat ul mateen

The power of Ar Razzaq is the same and all capable of His biggest and smallest creatures. He can provide all of them, if a creature is in the deepest sea or high up in the highest sky, all of them are provided and taken care of, equally well. SubhanALLAH.

Not only that but His rizq cannot be compared with any provisions in the world. He is the best of the providers and His provided resources are the best too. Human brains can make new inventions out of them but the original things are all provided by Ar Razzaq.

Al Razzaq- Allah's provision is best ayah

The human share in this beautiful and generous name of ALLAH is mainly this point that we have to always look for and ask for our rizq from ALLAH. We don’t have to look and fear anyone else for that rizq, which is actually from ALLAH.

Al Razzaq The Provider- human share page 1

The human share of this name for our fellows is to provide comfort wherever we can. To spread out the rizq of ALLAH to all of those around us. Generosity is a component of this share, as well as the efforts to give away our ilm to others, is another component.

Al Razzaq human share page 2

If our hearts are full of shukr, our words and actions reflect that too, then ALLAH will increase our Rizq by His order. In Sha ALLAH.

Al Razzaq - The Provider - human share 3, shukar increases rizq by ALLAH's order

Al Fattah - The Opener


Al Wahhab - The Bestower (of bounties without measure)