Al Wahhab - The Bestower (of bounties without measure)

Al Wahhab - cover

Al Wahhab is one of the greatest and most beautiful names of ALLAH. Al Wahhab is the One whose nature is giving and keeps on giving. He is our Rab and our Bestower. He keeps on blessing us with all bounties regardless of whether we deserve it or not. As His Rahmah does not have a boundary likewise His giving does not have any limit, SubhanALLAH, Alhamdulillah.

A gift is a present that is free from return expectations and any other interests. If gifts are many and many, the one giving them is called a 'bestower. If the gifts are repeated and continuous, then He is Al Wahhab because only ALLAH has the quality to give limitless without any compensation or expectations.

If we look at the history of our respectable Prophets in the Quran, they asked everything and anything from ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala. Not only that but they received the gifts, they asked for and even more, from the Rahmah of the Rab. Quran has many examples of asking and getting bestowed by calling this name of ALLAH “Al Wahhab“

Al Wahab - The continuous bestower - asking ALLAH for lasting hidayah

Wahhab comes from the word “wahb” which has a meaning of giving. The one who gives is “waahib” and wahhab is again a superlative degree of waahib, having a meaning of giving repeatedly, again and again, and yet again, giving without any stop. ALLAH alone is Al Wahhab who keeps on giving whether we ask Him or not. So, why not ask Him and only Him, anything we need and like for us?

Al Wahhab dua of prophet Sulaiman alahessalam

Human share in this absolutely beautiful name is twofold, one towards the Rab and the other one towards the fellow human beings.

Al Wahhab- human share
Al Wahhab- human share

This post is designed by our recently converted Muslim brother Adam Muhammad Souvere.

Adam Muhammad is our brilliant colleague in Quality department of “The Lasting Noor”, We thank him for this loving effort and welcome to the Muslim Brotherhood, may ALLAH guide, protect and reward you. aameen.


Ar Razzaq - The Provider


Al Qahhar - The (Ever) Dominating