Al Qahhar - The (Ever) Dominating

Al Qahhar is the One who conquers and wins every time. He is the ultimate and only One who is superior. His decisions have to be taken seriously and should be fulfilled.

Al Qahhar- cover image

Al-Qahhar is whose power nobody can stand against. He is all capable of humiliating oppressors, even kings, and emperors. He is the One besides Whom all creation is powerless.

Qahhar is the superlative degree we have studied in Al Ghaffar, it is derived from the word Qahr which means winning and victory. The one who has this quality is “Qaahir” and who is always with it and repeated in it will be the “Qahhar”.

ALLAH subhanahu ta’ala is the only One “Al Qahhar”, who is always and ever dominating over everyone, as He is the One and only Creator of the universe and everything within it.

Al Qahhar - ayat of khaliq and wahid ul qahhar

Not only He has made the world and everything but also the start and the end of everything belongs to Him only. He is capable of making the end of anything which He wills. In this world, we all are given some limited authority but at the end of this world, all and all the authority belongs to Him, the “Wahid” and the “Qahhar”.

Al Qahhar Ayat of last day superiority of Al Qahhar

So, what is the Human part in this name Al Qahhar for us to adopt? That is related to actually identifying our enemies and conquering them. Mainly humans have two biggest enemies, their own nafs and the shaitan.

Al Qahhar - the ever dominating - human share

The success of the human soul is within living by the OneNess of ALLAH - Al Qahhar, as when he knows the only One superior is his Rab, he does not give ruling hands to his enemies over him. If he remembers ALLAH in everything he does then no one else can deceive him to go with his own passions or with passions of shaitan. This strong faith in ALLAH’s one and only superiority saves him and takes him to the final success.


Al Wahhab - The Bestower (of bounties without measure)


Al Ghaffar - The (kind) Concealer