Al Ghaffar - The (kind) Concealer

Al Ghaffar is the One who hide and conceal our dark sins with His kindness very softly.

Al Ghaffar cover image

The word “Ghaffar” is a superlative degree of “gafr” which is to conceal something, kindly hide something that is not good to see, a superlative degree means He does it a lot and again and again He does so.

Al Ghaffar is the one who allows to show what is beautiful and conceals what is ugly. Sins are among the ugly things which He conceals, by letting a cover fall over them in this world and not counting them in the next world. So forgiving is concealing.

Al Ghaffar  -explanation that forgiving is concealing

The first concealing is, in His forgiving the sins by which He prevents humans from being disgraced before all fellows. Indeed He has promised to change one's evil deeds into good deeds, only if we repent faithfully and ask for forgiveness. He is always ready to give us cover for His non-ending Rahmah.

Al Ghaffar  ayat about He is al Ghaffar

The second way of concealing is in, His making the man's heart the place of his evil thoughts and his non-good intentions so that no one can discover his secrets. If people were to discover what occurs in other's minds, including wicked thoughts, negative plans, and betrayal, whatever is hidden inside, they would destroy their own selves for it as well as the others. Consider how one's secrets and weaknesses are hidden from others! This is a blessing from Al Ghaffar, Alhamdulillah.

Al Ghaffar  -explanation that forgiving is concealing

The human part in Al Ghaffar is one of the most pleasant characteristics humans can have, people who have this quality of covering what is not good and highlighting only the good among other fellow creatures, have a close connection with ALLAH-Al Ghaffar. They can get to this level only when they are always conscious of the presence and knowledge of ALLAH about what they think, what they plan, and what they do.

Al Ghaffar - human share ayat 1 Rab knows what is inside yours

Such people who worry about that they have to face ALLAH and then take their actions according to that, whenever make mistakes, they get guilty and they repent without delay and are the favorite people of ALLAH. They are promised by Al Ghaffar that they will be covered always. And who is more true in promise other than Him?

Al Ghaffar human share ayah 2 the people who are conscious for ALLAH without seeing

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