Al Musawwir - The Fashioner

Al Musawwir- cover page

Al Musawwir is the One who perfects and organizes everything in the best way. Each one of His creations is a reflection of His touch of perfection, to the point where no one else can imagine reaching.

Al Mussawir - explanation of name

The best example of Al Musawwir’s perfection is the fashioning of Human, one of His creatures. Process starts from planning, from which material his make will be, for he is a body of a special kind.

The constitution of a man will not be sound without both water and earth. Earth (sand) alone is dry and will not fold or bend for flexible movements, whereas water alone is so runny, that it neither holds together nor stands up, but rather flows freely & spreads out. So it is compulsory that the wet be mixed with the dry to a proper balance, and the result is called clay. Definitely, we need to estimate a specific measure and the ratio for two.

Then it is necessary to have some heat to make it until the mixture of water with earth is combined well so that it will not separate. Man is not fashioned from pure clay, but from fired clay, like the potter's.

Al Musawwir - ayat Allah made us in best fashion

Our Book gives us a clear insight into how ALLAH made us in the best fashion.

“And certainly We created man of an extract of clay, then We made him a small seed in a firm resting-place, then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made in the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation; so, blessed is Allah, the best of creators” (Qur’an, 23:12-14).

Al Musawwir - ayat Allah made us and our vision, listening, our feelings in hearts

Human reflection of this beautiful name is again about appreciating the way ALLAH fashioned and organized everything in us and around us. It is about seeking the ilm of ALLAH’s masterpieces and using our bodies and souls with deep sentiments of thanks to Al Musawwir.

Al Musawwir - human share

It is appreciated to think and study deeply the composition and arrangements of everything in and around us. Seeking this knowledge gives human eyes the capacity to look deeper in every situation.

Al Musawwir - ayat blind and one with eyes are not equal

Al Ghaffar - The (kind) Concealer


Al Bari- The (distinctive) Inventor