Al Bari- The (distinctive) Inventor

Al Bari ALLAH's name blog cover page

Al-Bari is the One who is the Originator of everything from the very beginning and not only that He invented each one with distinction and uniqueness, no two finger pores in the world are the same as well and no two fishes in the huge ocean are the same. Far away from thinking about two human beings being the same even if they are identical twins, there are unique characters to distinct from each one.

Al Bari- explanation of name

ALLAH Subhanahu ta’ala is Al Bari of His creations, He creates something that was never there before, and He brought things into existence out of non-existence. This quality is not having any share, no one else except Him can do that. So, all praise belongs to Him.

Al Bari ALLAH's name blog ayat no 1, all good names belong to ALLAH

Secondly, the power and ability to make everything different and unique, this quality is also as marvellous as His other qualities. The wonder of this universe and everything that exists in it is that no 2 things are the same here. The wonder of our Rab’s creation is, that He designed every creature so distinct that each one has a unique identity. Subhan ALLAH.

Al Bari ALLAH's name blog , ALLAH made us on best of state

Human is the best design of His creations, not only the physical system of human beings but the intellect the human brain carries. Last but not least we are honoured by the spirit (rooh) which is a part of ALLAH’s noor in all of us. This question we need to always ask ourselves, are we doing justice with our Rab’s bestowed honour and blessings?

ALLAH-Al Bari has gifted distinctive characters and talents for each one of us, are we taking care of our gifts well and ready to answer about how we used them for the betterment of ourselves and our fellow creatures?

Al Bari - The Inventor- human part

Life is all about trying to help ourselves and others around us, to improve and be a little better. As ALLAH made us in the best manner, we have to make ourselves in our best form which may make us a valuable addition to the beautiful universe of ALLAH. This needs continuous effort and hard work to be better every day.

Muslim nation! this is the time to rise and shine with ALLAH’s help. ( in sha ALLAH )


Al Musawwir - The Fashioner


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