Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing - cover page.png

Al Haleem is the One who bears all the actions and words of His creatures either they accept Him or reject His message, He tolerates, He feeds, He blesses and He continues to be mild & tolerant to them no matter what they do. In this world, the most loyal and tolerant relation is of parents, even they disown if the son/daughter is unduly and overly rebellious but One Who never disown, is He who created us. The One who never become intolerant is He, who is Al Haleem. SubhanALLAHi wa bihamdihi.

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing -explanation of name Al Haleem..png

The word Haleem is “doer” derived from the (root) word “Hilm” which means tolerance, staying patient with something with a softness and kindness in attitude, not in a harsh manner but in a very decent manner. Haleem is used in Quran as the name of ALLAH subhanahu Ta’ala (ism form) as well as the quality (adjective form). It is often used with other names as Al Ghafoor (Who covers with forgiveness), Al Aleem (who has all the knowledge), Al Ghani (who does not have any needs from others).

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing - ayah surah baqarah - waalamu innaALLAH Ghafoorun Haleemun (3).png

Another aspect of this name is continuation of His kindness from beginning to end, there is no differences in His Sunnah at any time. He is the One who is glorified by everything in world without any exceptions and He is equally forbearing for each and everyone of His creature.

In the case of someone makes a mistake, He bears it in a dignified manner and gives several warnings at different levels, before sending His punishment. His tolerance towards His creatures is not for any of His gain but just out of His kindness. He is independent of all gains or needs of all kinds.

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing- ayah surah isra about everything in uiverse do tasbeeh of ALLAH but we cannot understand their way of tasbeeh

Human bears humans for what they know about them, a lot of our thoughts are deeper than shown to our face or our behaviours. Many times we hide inside us such intentions and ideas which we cannot share as they can be misunderstood, they can look harmful or even hurt the people around us, even if they are not bad.

People assess us on what they see but ALLAH knows us all from action to intention and the smallest of thought. All of that He tolerates and give us time to correct many of our ideas by ourselves, gives us time to improve us and make our intentions in right direction. If He will not bear with our mistakes like this, than as Quran said, He will not leave any living creature crawling at earth. ( as no one is free from the mistakes other than Him ) but since He is Al Haleem, He delays matters to the time fixed by Him. (surat l-nahl (The Bees)(16:61)

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing - ayah ALLAH o aalamu ma fi quloobikum - surah ahzaab

Human share in this name is two folds, towards ALLAH is to be tolerant about the ups and downs of life, be patient about the trials ALLAH has written for us to raise our ranks and to make us stronger humans. This has to be done in relation of Al Haleem in a beautiful manner of submission and obedience to Him.

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing - human share in this name Al Haleem

Other part is for our fellow humans. We belong to Al Haleem so the people around us too deserve our tolerance and best manners of bearing, when they are not as we expect them to be.

Be thoughtful and be mild, in dealing with all creatures of ALLAH and remember the relation with Al Haleem, from His Hilm, how much kindness we always expect for us.

Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing - ayah for human share in this name Al Haleem

Al Azeem - The (Absolutely) Tremendous


Al Khabeer - The Totally Aware