Al Azeem - The (Absolutely) Tremendous

Al Azeem is the One who is “the absolutely Great” among all those who exist. His greatness does not fade away or changes with time. His greatness is immortal as He Himself is. Absolute greatness means great in everything and greater than everything. There is no one except Him who is great in everything, this is His absoluteness for which we say Him Al Azeem.

Al Azeem has greater power to control every power of world, He has greater wealth as He said that He has treasures of everything with Him and He bless from them whomever He likes in the quantity He feels suitable for giving. He has greatness of giving away provisions which never changes, He keeps on giving His creatures on earth till all living things are alive. He is the great in providing and feeding, He is the great in blessing the bounties of all kind. He is great in His ultimate love and care for all His creatures indeed.

For His greatness of loving us and providing all things small and big, which we asked for and which we never asked for. We know Him for His greater Rahmah.

He sent messengers and in last He sent our beloved Rasul ﷺ to practically guide us to the way of truth. This is His absolute mercy and greatness that He guided us to Islam and reminded us towards His path. He owns and deserves all our praise of hearts and all words of thanks for His greatness.

Human beings are usually great in one , two , three aspects. Someone has given a quality and other one has been given another one. No one person is great in all the affairs and qualities. Actually we all have been blessed with great talents as a tiny share from the absolute and endless greatness of ALLAH. These talents are given to us to be able to identify the source of perfect greatness and be thankful to our share from Al Azeem.

Human greatness is not absolute but it is partial. Different qualities are given to us in different proportions. The best human quality which makes him greater among others is seeking ilm for spreading gain of it in mankind. In that manner we will say “teacher is greater in ilm from the students” and “scholar are greater in ilm than the public”. The people who guide in any way closer to ALLAH are greater than those who don’t do it.

Giving away in way of ALLAH whatever small or big we can, also makes human great. So the one who gives with intentions of only pleasing ALLAH is greater than those who don’t give or give with a different aim.

We all should seek for our greater share in this name by making us beneficial for ALLAH’s creatures. Not only this but, trying to maintain the greatness is a bigger task. It takes lots of effort and cautions to maintain the quality of greatness lifelong. ALLAH loves the good deeds which are continuous and maintained. It is difficult to reach the level of greatness but as humans , it is far more a bigger task to retain the greatness once achieved. Our own nafs and Shaitan has thousand ways to tell us otherwise. Despite all, those who can do it, are the true shareholders from this beautiful name of Al Azeem.


Al Ghafoor - The All Forgiving


Al Haleem - The (Most) Forbearing